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Version 793... Bugs (?) and what I don't like.


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So... Recently updated for 793... Disappointed with something's.. pleased with others... I use Android 8.0.

- shuffle doesn't work (only on top rated)

- why timer (never used) and visualization on player screen?! 

- ugly black color (album artist song) on player screen hiding the album art

- seekbar very difficult to use

- why top rated playlist displays the thumb in different direction?

- I miss the ability to "choose album size" feature

- lock screen don't work

- no "hide status bar" feature

- why some artist images are displayed in rounded shape and others in oval in the artist category?

- don't agree by displaying album image in categories/playlists (like genres).

- bugs on Bluetooth ... Button actions don't work. 


These are the ones that come to my mind now...Ok.. thanks!! 


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