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Poweramp beta build-792


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Sorry, guys I really don't like the new design. The interface (especially Player main screen) is not beneficial for the user experience. 

When I long press a title in a list I'm missing the option to play it. In my settings a single press puts a track in the queue. So when I want a track to be played right away, I need this option. 

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google play updated Poweramp for me from v709 to v793 yesterday.

after the update the play and skip buttons on the main screen did not work. i couldn't get a single file to play, even when selecting them in the library.

i immediately went back to v709, which worked perfectly fine. i imported my saved settings, but the star ratings for all files as well as the equalizer settings were gone.

i turned off auto-updates for now and will probably stay on v709.

i'm running android 6.0.1 on the asus zenfone max zc550kl

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It's weird... I don't spend hours staring at the album art but for the little bit that I do I would *love* it if I could actually see the entire artwork. Someone suggested having the text fade after a couple seconds and I think that would work wonders if there's no other location for the text.

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Todo funciona correctamente si te das un tiempo para ponerlo en orden. Muy buena pinta tanto la interfaz como las diferentes opciones.

Reporto un par de fallos que he visto:

- En las opciones de lista de las carpetas por defecto ordena las canciones por orden alfabético. Se puede cambiar y ponerlo por orden de número de pista, pero al cerrar la aplicación y volver a abrirla aparece de nuevo en orden alfabético. Es un poco frustrante tener que ordenarlo cada vez que inicio la app. Debería guardarse esa información.

- En el equalizador hay alguna cosa que con la traducción a español se queda mal colocada y se superpone con otras.


Dejo un par de screens de cómo queda todo tras configurarlo correctamente:



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- Shuffle does not seem to work anymore (at least not in an m3u playlist, did not try anything else) 

- intents are not fired anymore, so the API is pretty much useless now

- an even smaller list grid size would be awesome 

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After that the latest version brought us dark theme, theme wise I'm OK with it until 3rd party skins have been updated for v3. 

However musicfx is not working right at least not for me. 

I can turn it on and off and I can hear the difference so it is still working just fine. But the ui for the musicfx settings does not open up when I long press the button on the settings. 


Luckily it remembered the settings from before and I can tweak the audio settings just fine with Poweramp, but this is a bug that would be nice to get fixed before this would be marked as a stable release. 


Musicfx settings open up fine within spotify, but then it only works for spotify. 


My phone is Nokia 8 128gb TA-1004 with July security updates on top of the 8.1 oreo os. 

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11 hours ago, elcosomalo said:

My concern is that this will be the official skin when the official new version gets released and it will not be possible to choose an older version.

Yes it will be the official skin of v3 but u can always  choose to use the v709

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I'm noticing too many annoying issues.

1. Sometimes when I stop the music and close the app and come back after, the list it was reset and not continue. The last music played become the first and musics that already were played, play again.

2. I can't unable the slide controls to skip music.

3. I can't reset songs by pressing the play button.

4. I can't sort different lists for different libraries anymore. If I set Albums by name then so do Artists will be set. (This one since the last update)

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3 hours ago, mrbeerux said:

Todo funciona correctamente si te das un tiempo para ponerlo en orden. Muy buena pinta tanto la interfaz como las diferentes opciones.

Reporto un par de fallos que he visto:

- En las opciones de lista de las carpetas por defecto ordena las canciones por orden alfabético. Se puede cambiar y ponerlo por orden de número de pista, pero al cerrar la aplicación y volver a abrirla aparece de nuevo en orden alfabético. Es un poco frustrante tener que ordenarlo cada vez que inicio la app. Debería guardarse esa información.

- En el equalizador hay alguna cosa que con la traducción a español se queda mal colocada y se superpone con otras.


Dejo un par de screens de cómo queda todo tras configurarlo correctamente:



Estoy de acuerdo contigo




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This update is very good, the only problem is that I messed up the order of the songs of all my music albums and I do not understand the reason.

Please solve this.


Esta muy bien la actualización, el único problema es que me desacomodo el orden de las canciones de todos mis albums de música y no entiendo la razón. 

Por favor solucionen esto. 

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1 hour ago, demoniel_ said:

I'm noticing too many annoying issues.

1. Sometimes when I stop the music and close the app and come back after, the list it was reset and not continue. The last music played become the first and musics that already were played, play again.

2. I can't unable the slide controls to skip music.

3. I can't reset songs by pressing the play button.

4. I can't sort different lists for different libraries anymore. If I set Albums by name then so do Artists will be set. (This one since the last update)

There is a v3 bug report forum.  Might be good to put it there, since this thread is going to get polluted.

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wow i just played with the visuals  reminds me of the Winamp and WMP days back when i used WMP and Winamp and watched the visualizations.  I didn't know they were still a thing.  I wonder how many people used them over the years anyways.   I just realized i can stare at them while exercising on the AMT and elliptical instead of staring a the TV's I'm not actually watching.    They might have a use for me after all.  not sure on battery usage with the screen on a long time playing those. 

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Been lurking on here for a long time, just registered to say thanks for the awesome update. I loved like 98% of the update, I agree with people are saying about the stuff being on the album art. Fix that it'll be all good, also to note I've been getting error crashing when looking for hi-res album art. Another thing people that complaining about the new ui and want the old one back must be outdated and old. I mean swipe to change tracks, tap to go back, album art for the playlists, options to change how you want your list hell just what I wanted. It's not perfect and needs a little tweak and it'll be fine. Second note should be a video showcasing the new look and features with tips etc...

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For now I have only found two errors. 1. The "X" button in the search section used to erase all written text does not work and 2. In the equalizer menu the on / off button and the button to select the presets are on top of each other. And a suggestion: please add the option to be able to put the artist first instead of the name of the album in the second line of information of the song. Also many congratulations, the new redesign I loved too



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26 minutes ago, Marty_McFly said:

Ok, the best player became the worst player and just because of gui...

I'm gonna stay in alpha  version - maybe forever, sorry... :(

Sorry but that's just your opinion.. Poweramp is still the best player for us..sad u couldn't get everything v3 has to offer ☺️

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Thank you @maxmp for the update!
most of issues are already reported, so I won't duplicate those.

One more thing to think of. If it is available for split screen / multi window is to change player layout to portrait in case if screen is splitted and in lanscape mode.
It can recover most of UI problems in multi screen views

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Thanks, Max, for the update. You've put some good work into this update, including a lot of detauls. Looks great and works well. I never left 790, so this is a pleasant surprise.

On my OnePlus 5 there is a new setting Hi-Res Output. Works perfect and has removed the occasional clicks ithat were in 790 with the OpenSL ES HD ouput. 

I've noted some of the bugs mentioned already by others. Would still like to remove the text from the cover art on the player page.

After using for a few hours I'll have more suggestions.

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I'm digging the new beta update so far.

The Queue management is very confusing. You can't access the queue from the Now Playing screen. Albums with only one track aren't even added to the queue. "Stop after queue finishes" is also broken, incorrect song is displayed when a different song is playing. Clearing the queue should practically stop the music, instead a random song plays.

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