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Frustrated with lack of ability to contact


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O have attempted to contact someone over being a beta tester with no response. I've used Poweramp go a few years now and other than the great sound, I'm not pleased with anything else. I've tried numerous times to cancel being a beta tester but with no reply and no way to change it...I do not like the fact that when it retrieves my music....it does not put on the tags..I'm constantly having to put it in manually..and truthfully its extremely time consuming!!!...WTF...its my music!....why is it not putting the info in automatically?...why do i have t p continually re-edit?...also I miss my skins!!!!...I already had Milkdrop...so why do I have t p lose all my info over a visualizer?...it's cool..but u already paid for it...until it can put my music in it without hours of re-editing...I will use another player....very disappointed

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There is no major difference between the way tags are read and displayed on the alpha & beta versions compared to the release version. You should not be losing any information or needing to re-enter anything that is already embedded as tags in your music files.

If you don't want to see visualisations, turn them off (swipe in from right-hand edge of screen and under Visualisations, change the setting to 'Disabled').

If you manually installed the alpha 703 or 704 versions (which is what you seem to be describing) then just uninstall and ire-install the regular 588 build from Google Play. if you accepted the testing programme via Google Play, just opt out again - then link is https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxmpz.audioplayer in case you can't find it in Google Play.


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