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Album cover not showing in album artist


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I have something strange happening. I installed version 3 for the album artist feature. When the scan came back some album cover showed some did not under the album artist - all of them show fine in the player ( see screenshot). I have embedded artwork and also cover.jpg

I delete the library from the sd card uninstalled Poweramp and started by reinstalling Poweramp. I then sent the music library folders one by one ( one artist at a time). It got thru about 32 folder with the artwork perfect. Then after that they were blank. Like it was "stuck" or had some sort of limit.

If I go into a song on a blank album and long press on the player I see both the embedded and cover.jpg artwork I choose one and back out then the album cover appears.


The screenshots are just one example. They were all coming in with now artwork past 32 folder and I have about 400 more to import.

Any ideas?

Note8 android 7.1.1

Screenshot 1.jpg

Screenshot 2.jpg

Screenshot 3.jpg

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