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Poweramp Isn't VERIFYING :(


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I just love this player. but the problem is, I purchased full version some days before & was using. recently I factory reset my phone. after that It's not verifying I don't know why. but I'm feeling really sad about that. please check my Google account. u will find my purchasing history. when I'm going to install full version from play store it's showing the price & wanting money. It's not fair.

my mail is so****99@gmail.com

please do something,  

P.S. I have cleared data of my playstore, play services etc.

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Please see http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required and the other FAQs about licence verification.

If none of that works for you, and you are sure you are on the same Google account as before (it was a Google purchase wasn't it, not a website one?) then please email poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com with your purchase details to get this resolved.


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