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Sort By Year

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This feature must be corrected, cos when we sort by year, the algorithm does it but the second sort is name, so if we have two albums with the same year, the songs will be in dissorder, we need the fisrt sort taking the year and second by album, so this doesnt happen. Hope been clear, english isnt my native language.

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4 hours ago, Gonzafed said:

when we sort by year, the algorithm does it but the second sort is name, so if we have two albums with the same year, the songs will be in dissorder, we need the fisrt sort taking the year and second by album, so this doesnt happen.

Yes it should work that way. First select Albums as your Library category, then when viewing at the top level (which defaults to alphabetical sorting) tap Menu > List Options and choose By Year. The albums will now be sorted by year, with multiple albums within one year sorted alphabetically by album title. When you drill down to see the individual songs you can use Menu > List Options to set the sorting action at the songs level too (normally Track Number would make the most sense if your music is all properly tagged).

Personally, I use folders/filename sorting as not all of my music is tidily tagged and I have a lot of singles/etc without full albums. That way I have complete control of how everything is sorted: if I want albums sorted by year within one artist's folder, I just prefix the folder name for each album with the release year. Same with tracks, if there is a specific order then I prefix the track titles with the two-digit track numbers, otherwise I let them sort alphabetically if there is no specific order.


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