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Treble control not working, would Powesamp v3 help?

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Hi, new to the forums here. 

Downloaded Poweramp about a year ago, more than worth the few bucks for the unlock... great player. 
Quick question about V3, I noticed that my treble knob (in tone menu) doesn't respond or alter the sound in any way. It simply stopped working. The other knobs, like Bass and Stereo X work fine. 
I have a Galaxy Grand Prime running Android 5.1.1
I've looked through these forums for a solution, as well as a general search online and have found nothing, although other users seem to have experienced the exact same problem. 
My question about V3 is, will it arrive as an update and would it possibly fix this issue I'm having with the Treble tone not working. 
I'm assuming, since i read in an earlier post, that V3 is a re-build, the download will overwrite my existing version.

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I've not heard of that one either. If Bass boost works, so should Treble as both controls toggle on and off together. Do the higher bands in the equaliser work to do the same thing that the treble knob should?

By all means give Poweramp v3 a try (you can download it from the tabs at the top of this page) and see if that helps. Yes, it will overwrite your existing version but you can always uninstall and go back to the old one if you want. Do make sure you backup your settings and playlists first, and if ratings are important to you then you might also want to save them using an app like New Playlist Manager before you uninstall to roll back.


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Andre, thanks for the fast reply, much appreciated. 
To fix the problem, I know that I could just re-install the Poweramp app, but... I've done quite a lot of editing to my music library; Album Titles, Song # on the disc, year released, album artwork etc... how would I back-up all of that to ensure I wouldn't have to waste time editing all over again. 
Do you know if all of that information is kept in a certain folder, and if so, where?
or if there's another app I could use to back up the current state of Poweramp to my pc and recover it later if necessary?
Would love to fix the Treble boost issue, as I'm sure it's a just a minor bug, just don't want to lose any of the changes I've made. 

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Titles, track #, year, etc are all stored in the song files, Poweramp just reads the data from them and writes it back if you edit it. To check what's there, use the Info/Tags menu option which will show you what's stored inside the file.

Album art cache and other local data is stored in /Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/

What you would lose by uninstalling / reinstalling would be playlists, ratings, most played, and other things that are only saved in Poweramp's internal SQL database. Playlists can be exported first though, and other data can be saved using an app called New Playlist Manager. Or if your device is rooted, use a backup app like Titanium Backup.

Upgrading to v3 alpha shouldn't lose anything though, it will just upgrade in place over the current version. You can't roll back without an uninstall / reinstall though.


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  • 1 year later...

Mike1969 ...

In order to address your issue with treble, we must first address another underlying issue which can cause multiple sound problems...

"DVC (Direct Volume Control)" and "Bluetooth DVC" can cause multiple volume,  Bass level and distortion issues. These two features should be disabled.

[[[ To do this, go in to settings>audio>advanced tweaks> uncheck direct volume control for both Wired Headset)  and BT headset (Bluetooth)  this will increase your volume to where it should be. Took me a bit to figure out but it fixed my Poweramp low volume issue" ]]]

( credit to Shinigami Mai of Android Central Forum for the portion above in Brackets [ ]  )



Now that we have that out of the way, here is how to solve the treble problem:

Whether you have DVC enabled or not the following issue will occur in version 2.0.10 or later. When using The Equalizer in Poweramp, if you try to increase the level of bands 2K, 4K, 8K, or 16k it will cause the treble knob to stop working. It seems that this is some sort of a glitch. The current Poweramp version that is available as of this comment is version V3 build 703 Alpha. In this latest version the issue is still not fixed. A workaround is to turn the "tone" button off and strictly use the equalizer to change the bass and treble.

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