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Genre changes not saving to file


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I make changes to tag info ex genre for instance and it shows correctly inside power amp be if the file is opened on a different device it don't display correctly like it is not actually saving in the file info

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If I take a file that has a genre on pc and change it with pa then open the file on a pc it has no genre at all but pa still recognized the change...I share my music on my pc with my phone through onedrive and make genre changes as I listen with pa so I need changes to be saved correctly or it don't do any good to change it in pa

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On a pc, use a neat little utility called FileTagSleuth, This is able to read ID2 and Id1 tags. This should clearly show the values of "genre". Alternatively, on android there are many mp3 taggers which would also help. I use audiotagger to check/update tags. Experiment with pa and check with one of these tag utilities to see if the value(s) have changed.

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