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Found 13 results

  1. Dear Poweramp Development Team, I am reaching out to suggest a new feature that I believe would greatly enhance the functionality of the Poweramp app, especially for users who utilize the app for workout and exercise routines. I would like to propose the implementation of support for BPM (Beats Per Minute) tags in ID3 version 2.3 and higher within the Poweramp app. This feature would allow users to view BPM information directly within the app interface, making it easier to coordinate workout routines and exercises based on music tempo. Here are some key aspects of the proposed feature: 1. BPM Tag Display: The Poweramp app should be able to read and display BPM information stored in ID3 tags (under the TBPM key) for mp3 music tracks. This information should be readily visible to users, providing quick access to tempo details. 2. Search Functionality: Users should be able to search for tracks based on BPM values. This would enable them to create playlists or select music tracks suitable for specific workout intensities or tempo requirements. 3. Handling Non-Numeric BPM Values: The feature should be capable of interpreting non-numeric BPM values gracefully. For instance, if a track has no BPM value or if values such as "Intro", "Cooldown" or "Stretch" etc. are specified, the app should handle them appropriately, perhaps by displaying a placeholder or indicating that the BPM information is not available. By implementing BPM tag support fir mp3 files, Poweramp can cater to fitness enthusiasts who rely on music tempo to synchronize their workout routines effectively. This feature would not only enhance the usability of the app for fitness purposes but also contribute to a more holistic user experience. Thank you for considering this feature request. I believe that incorporating BPM tag support into the Poweramp app would significantly elevate its functionality and appeal to a broader user base. Best regards, Lars
  2. I'm writing a script to (semi-)automatically embed covert art files from selected_aa into the song files themselves, and I'd like some clarification on how exactly Poweramp selects image files for a track. It seems as though it first tries to look for an image file with the name {artist tag content} - {album tag content}.jpg and if that file isn't found, it looks for the filename {artist tag content} - {title tag content}.jpg , ignoring the albumartist field entirely. I've also noticed the tag contents had leading/trailing whitespace removed, and special characters replaced with underscores. I've found the characters []()&/"\' but I'm not sure if that's all of them. Is this correct? Or is there more to it? It's hard for me to confirm because I have a lot of files to go through, and there's also some leftover album art that's not in use anymore (from deleted/retagged songs). Thanks in advance!
  3. Some singers and bands have different names in different countries or regions, but PowerAmplifier treats the same person as different singers just because of these different titles, resulting in songs that are actually the same person being judged to be two people, and the songs under their names are scattered. Can developer add a function to the scanner that allows singers with different titles to be considered as one singer? The same is true for album titles, some of which have different names in different countries and regions.
  4. Hello. I see non-readable Album and Artist tags for some mp3 files with tags in Russian Win-1251 codepage. AIMP and Neutron players shows these files normal on the same device. Device: DAP Fiio M11 plus, Android 10 with Russian system locale, Poweramp build-945-bundle-play, Full version 64bit. I tried full rescan with Library Scanner setting for non-Unicode tags as Default and Russian(Win-1251) settings - same non-readable result in both modes. Please see attached zip file with mp3 file from that album and screenshots of Folder list, Track playing screen and Info/Tags screen for that file. I tried to re-save the tags in that mp3 file in AIMP player tag editor on PC. The original tags look normal and readable when I opened them in that tag editor. Then I replaced the original mp3 file on the Android device with that new re-saved version and then I run a local Rescan procedure on that folder - in the Folder view I clicked Menu and run Rescan option. After that Poweramp continued to show those tags in a non-readable way in the lists and on track play screen, but on Info/Tags screen the tags were readable. When I put the same re-saved mp3 file in a new folder, Poweramp scanned it and tags in that file were displayed correctly. - So there may be a problem with the local rescan procedure as it didn't replaced the tags in the scanned folder. It would be nice if you can add a correct processing for such files as this original one as these files are displayed correctly in AIMP and Neutron players. Thank you for the great player! 1-orig-mp3-bad-tag-in-Poweramp-and-info-tags.zip
  5. I'm trying to simply edit the name of a song but Poweramp has the "edit tags" button greyed out and unable to press. Is there a setting I need to turn on or something I'm missing? Thanks
  6. This is not a bug, maybe a problem I have problems with add more that one work on the settings to divide artist I need add "a dúo con", because some songs have this on the artists field I use this "items", but I need more:
  7. Hi Poweramp., could u pls updater Poweramp , that you write/save the albumcover in the tags? Thanks in forward Michael
  8. Does anyone know how to have Poweramp show the Song Title in the Playlist instead of the one from the Tag? Thanks, E
  9. A lot of my music have either artist tags, file name tags or image tags, and I'm wondering if I switch device (same manufacturer if that means anything), will the tags still be there? Can Poweramp read them? Cause other MP3 players don't see any tagged information in the music Poweramp tagged.
  10. Add a feature where we can see if a song is already added to any playlist in form of tags or something like that.
  11. Hi there, I'm here to ask to support full date in sorting and grouping. If you have a tons of album from the same year it can be problematic to sort or group albums by year (plus this can be useful in the album view for artists with significant output in a single year, cfr. this). This can be implemented using the id3v2.3 tag TDAT or the id3v2.4 tag TDRC. A short summary (from id3 specification): TDAT:The 'Date' frame is a numeric string in the DDMM format containing the date for the recording. This field is always four characters long. TDRC: The 'Recording time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the audio was recorded. [...] The timestamp fields are based on a subset of ISO 8601. When being as precise as possible the format of a time string is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (year, "-", month, "-", day, "T", hour (out of 24), ":", minutes, ":", seconds), but the precision may be reduced by removing as many time indicators as wanted. Hence valid timestamps are yyyy, yyyy-MM, yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy-MM-ddTHH, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. All time stamps are UTC. The TDAT tag was changed to the TDRC one in id3v2.4, but I suggest to support both of them (probably most of the time only one of those will be present, not both), since most of other players/taggers support only TDAT (probably due to parsing criticalities related to the variable timestamp length of TDRC). I myself use the TDAT tag only, it's just way more straightforward and more supported. If those fields are not present then a timestamp like "YYYY-01-01" can be inserted in the internal DB, as many others do in this case. I know that it will need a full rescan of the user music library to function properly, but by settings "YYYY-01-01" as the default timestamp this won't affect or break anything, since the fallback sorting will always be the alphanumerical order (as it is right now). Thank you for your job and have a happy new year! Related request: Choose Metadata Field for Year Сортировка альбомов
  12. I lost my downloaded album art and edited info/tag of files every time I reinstall Poweramp. Please add an option to embed the edited info/tag and downloaded album art to the music file itself.
  13. iTunes supports these tags which it uses to sort Artists and Album Artists. That lets you sort an artist like "Sage Francis" by last name, under F, where he should be. So, great to have the option to use such tags for sorting.
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