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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by samuelawachie

  1. 5 minutes ago, BooFar said:


    It does not, but we're talking about different things. Play an album in Spotify, all of its tracks get added to the queue. To be clear, I'm calling everything that I see in the queue view "the queue". So when you click on the list button in the bottom left, you see everything. If you play an album in PA and then go to Library > Queue, there's nothing because you haven't queued anything manually.

    That's not what I call a Q then. And it's not what Spotify calls their Q. 

    When you play an album in Spotify all it's tracks are added to a list for play. The Q is different and has a separate button next to the other buttons for playback. When you add anything to the Q, it gets played and then control is returned to the current list-of-play (however long it may be).

    You're sadly mistaken.

  2. There's a lot of what you say that is already able to be done by PA's Q in the way it currently operates.

    I just want to point out something though that you're getting wrong. Foobar's Q doesn't operate like Spotify's and certainly not like PA's. Foobar's Q operates like what they call Linked Lists in Computer Science. 

    In Foobar, if I were playing from an Album A (so song a,b,c,d,...) and I put in something from Album B (so song 1), it will play song 1 and then continue to song 2, then 3, then 4 and so on. It will NOT go back to playing from Album A. That implementation is modelled after a linked list.

    In Spotify, the Q actually does operate like PA's. It does take you back to album A, after you're done with the escapades into Album B (that are in the Q).

    The only thing that PA does that Spotify doesn't do is give you the options to shuffle what's currently in the Q, and perhaps some other functions as it relates to the Library in general. It just works the way Andre described.

    All in all, the Q is a separate playlist that works independently from the main playlist wherever that playlist is got from (categories, artist, album, songs).

    Another point of difference but is related to the Q operations is how the shuffling options in Foobar are different to those in PA.

    In PA, you can play a category (Albums, Songs, Genre, Folder) in order and then play within each category in (order or shuffled). And then you can play a category in shuffle and then play items within that category in (order or shuffled). You can decide to just shuffle categories, and shuffle within each category as well.

    That is some brilliant setup and it's the only player that I've seen that does this. Spotify doesn't do it. MusicB doesn't. Neutron does not. iTunes does not. Winamp does not. And neither does Foobar. And those are the ones I've used

  3. On 6/26/2023 at 10:24 AM, andrewilley said:

    What is a "normal queue" ? Is there an official spec for it somewhere? Or are you merely meaning you like the workflow process MusicBee has implemented? PA is not going to simply plagiarise the operation of other apps, it is its own entity - and has been for the best part of 15 years now.


    I have had almost a word for word replica of this conversation with the Foobar2000 developer and sister developers in their Hydrogenaudio board where they hangout. 
    I had to resort to using “Playlists Attributes” component to achieve a workaround to what I believe is a deficient implementation of what a Q should be. I also studied Computer Science so I understand both implementations and how they differ well. 
    In that discussion, I even used Poweramp as the shining beacon of how a queue should be implemented. 
    Anyway, it’s good to receive reassurance from Max here that the implementation he chose isn’t going anywhere. Coz if it goes, I go. (;

  4. It’s difficult to do ABX tests on here. But I did a few listening tests on the songs I know very well, and decided to go with the build-939. Gives me 24bit/48kHz processing, float32 DVC, I can use the DVC and equalizer, and the enhancers are also working. 
    It sounded better too on the songs, but we know that could just be volume placebo. 
    In the words of Tobey (in Need 4 speed), it’s good enough :)

    Thanks guys


  5. 3 hours ago, maxmp said:

    @samuelawachie just use standard definition outputs, start with Restore Defaults in Settings / Audio / Outputs and ensure DVC if off. Thanks!

    I did that, and behold it worked. All three applications were working harmoniously again and all was fine with the world, but for a while only. 
    I decided to look under the hood and delve into the Settings to see what changed. And I saw a few curious things. 
    The Restore Defaults audio output seemed to turn the output back to Open SL, turn DVC off, and changed plenty of other smaller settings like buffer sizes and stuff. I switched output back to AudioTrack and they still were working (this didn’t work before resetting defaults). I then saw that if I set DVC back on, they stopped working. I also saw that the 24-bit option (float 32) that I had with AudioTrack was no longer available. So I switched it back to OpenSL and left it at that. 

    I’m disappointed though that it seems those 2 options are now not open to me for use anymore. The 24-bit thing seemed to add plenty of dynamic range and loudness capacity. And the DVC added even more dynamic range and tone improvements. I wonder whether I’d be better off using the build 939 from here on out if it meant better sound quality as compared to whatever QoL improvements I could get from the latest build 944. 
    What do you guys reckon? Was it really 24 bit? And does DVC really add too much to miss out on? Are there any other under the hood improvements this 944 build has over 939 that outweigh the sound quality stuff I’d be missing out on? Am I overestimating the DVC effect?

     Thanks (I know that’s a lot of questions)

  6. I updated to this build-944 from build-939 that I was enjoying so much. But then ran into a problem that forced me to go back down and restore the 939 again.

    Problem: My system-wide sound enhancers that I simply can't do without do not function with this build. They could not engage after updating the app, and restarting the phone or the apps didn't help. I don't know if this can be fixed or there is a setting that is wrong somewhere disabling enhancers. I saw in the settings page that it said something like a system-wide enhancer like I was using will affect the output sample rate but that was about it as to what I saw differently from the settings page of the previous build.

    Phone specs:

    Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 (Exynos)

    Android version: 5.0.2

    Aurora full S6 Port No. 7.0 installed and phone is rooted

    System-wide Enhancers: Viper4Android FX ver; Dolby Digital Plus Enhancer.

    Is there anything I could do to make this particular build work with what I've got? The 939 worked with my equipment with no problems and not a hitch. I usually use AudioTrack as the output, but I even tried switching output to OpenSL and it still won't work with the enhancers. 


  7. On 8/20/2022 at 9:40 PM, andrewilley said:

    It depends on how you set that category's List Options as to the maximum number of items shown, and how they are sorted.


    Is it possible to exclude all stream urls (online radio links, .pls files, .m4u files) from the Recently Added list?

    It's not an option in the list's properties and I couldn't find it anywhere else in the Settings. I have just resorted to removing and re-adding the stream URL's from the Library which is a roundabout way to do things. 

    The reason for this option is that, sometimes I'm offline, and when you play the Recent list, those entries will skip continuously and then the player would stop (as obviously the device is not connected to the Internet at the time)

  8. @andrewilley @maxmp

    What does the value of the number of buffers actually do? Is it like a multiplier effect on the other buffer settings?

    So for instance in that screenshot on the post above, it'll be effectively (8*120) to give the approximate 900 value? Or is it more like a parallel implementation where each buffer is responsible for various parts of the DSP processing?

  9. @maxmp I gotta say man, you’re doing a great job with this app. 
    I’ve recently had to start using the app again after a couple of years with iOS Neutron. 
    It’s impressive to see how massively improved it’s been since I last used it. I can barely keep up with the changes. 
    I think the new shuffling options and how they work could be put in a new topic on a separate page describing how it works…

    Keep it up and well done

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