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  1. Thank you so much, this fixed my issue! I understand, but gladly I was able to reset it to a different image per track in the same album through the above method. Perhaps it could be made more clear that this is possible, possibly through a "reset selected album art" button?
  2. @andrewilley I tried doing that, but it still changes the cover of every song in the album. It's kind of weird ? And if that was a long-requested feature, I can't find a toggle for it. Perhaps it is a bug? I didn't think it would be, because it worked properly before I changed any cover.
  3. @clever_man yes, each individual song shows a 600x600 image and it says "Embed album art" under it. The "Embed album art" is different for each song. But when I select it for that song, it changes the album art for all the songs in that album. But before I tried changing one of them, all songs had their unique and original cover art.
  4. @clever_man I did this, and now all songs have no cover art. After doing this I also tried to reboot my phone, tried to clear the cache and tried to do a full rescan. No luck so far ?
  5. Hello, I'm running into an issue with the beta that I haven't had before. I have a directory of 46 songs, mp3 format. All songs belong to the same album, and have the same album name. They are properly numbered 1 through 46. Every song has a unique title. Each individual song has it's own embedded album art, 600x600 png. There are no other image files present in the folder where these songs are located. Today, I tried to change the album art of a single song. I selected the song, pressed "Album Art", and picked an image from my gallery. When I changed it, it changed the album art of all the songs in that album. When I look at every single song and look at the "Album Art" option, each one still has the proper embedded art inside it file. Selecting the right image again changes the cover art for every song in that album. I tried resetting the album art cache, doing a full rescan, restarting Poweramp, restarting my phone, copying all the songs from my Android phone onto my PC and copying it back, etc. (When I look at the songs on my PC, each one has the correct cover image). How do I reset the album art in Poweramp that it always shows the embedded image, and not some thing I once selected? Thanks, Sem
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