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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by Robert56

  1. Last stable release now 12 months old today, can you be honest with the users and tell us what's happening, has development stopped and the small package ect was just a red herring to buy some time!
  2. Hopefully it will arrive in a update, sooooom time in the future😁
  3. Thanks Andre, yes its way down the list and the items above don't float my boat, always stuck to Poweramp but others now might be more suitable for my needs.
  4. You should have only given 50% of words in the reply 😊
  5. Bit perfect would be good if it could be developed with no downsides.
  6. Thanks for making the equaliser a bit of a beast it now has more setting to shake a stick at! Which is very nice but only one thing matters to my ears is, sound quality! Keep up the good work...
  7. Sorted, button on steering wheel seems to determine to start or pause on starting of android auto even though everything else starts and disregards button, so solution is start android auto - play music via toggling android auto to Poweramp - pause music with steering wheel button - on restart it now plays on start. Did it again with a second press of the pause and again it failed to play on start!
  8. Thanks for taking the time at looking, hopefully maxmp can also help, as it looks like others are also having issues, regards Rob
  9. Thanks ================== 08:21:18.755 BTReceiver headset event connection BT=true am mode=0 Audi MMI 5130 ================== 08:21:18.756 BTReceiver RESUME resume_on_bt delay=500 ================== 08:21:19.385 PlayerService RESUME from BTReceiver resumePlaying ================== 08:21:21.449 PlayerService RESUME resumePlaying ================== 08:21:22.533 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK duckPlaying ================== 08:21:23.853 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN ================== 08:21:23.885 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS pausePlaying af_permanent ================== 08:21:24.204 PlayerService UNDUCK afterFocus ================== 08:21:25.117 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=2248810 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2 ================== 08:21:25.130 BTReceiver headset event disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Audi MMI 5130 no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false ================== 08:21:26.509 PSMediaSessionHelper.Callback onPlay com.google.android.projection.gearhead ================== 08:21:28.618 PlayerService onRoutingChanged newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt ================== 08:21:28.618 PlayerService reloadPipeline allowPlaying=false f orceResume=false state after reload=2
  10. Android auto starts plays couple of seconds a track then pauses until I toggle though the screens to hit the play button, anyone has any ideas to start and keep the music playing. Yes i do have the resume playing on start up ticked.
  11. Not sure if its me but on cleaning the apps cache, on playing it sounds brighter, any ideas?
  12. For me the development should focus of sound quality and simplifying some of the menu items / settings the app is superb but getting bloated.
  13. Just a few questions please. * On installation does Poweramp query your phone capability and set the defaults as required in respect to sound quality,or does one size fit all? * Sould Dolby Atmos be switched off on Android 13 for best sound reproduction? * Does increasing the Hi Res sample rate and format produce a better output or should it be left to auto and defined by device? Great development over the last few years and forum support but recently development seems to have paused any reason 🤔
  14. Also having this issue, seems to play ok just with the Poweramp screen, anything to sort it
  15. Thanks, keep it in mind, as I don't fancy the join tracks approach.
  16. I play most of my music with shuffle all categories and tracks, but some albums need to be played as a whole, is there a way or could be a way of tagging an album to play as a whole under all tracks?
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