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  1. @maxmp But i dont have those Android skills, i am more into hardware then in software...
  2. Hi, on google its not possible to find shutdown intent for the old Erisin Model with 5.0.1 and also not to find for the old xtron from my friend. I tired that (the Erisin Fiat Bravo 5.0.1 Headunit is very very rare on the Market because is was one of the first Headunit from Erisin) These Modes are both to old - only on oktacore Models it to find but these are very different. I posted a question for the intent in a Erisin forum on saturday and dont have get a answer till now. But - if every Rom or Headunit Model have every time after firmwareupdate or Modelchange have differnt namesof Intend or different numbers of intent - you know what now comes - would it be not easyer to make a Version V3 without online checking (it would work on all without the Intent need to know) - even as you say, with no possiblity to update to V3 newest Versions ? I would rather get no updates than have to stay with V2. I would be a a Version for special Cases thta only comes at hand if not other solution would work or for Units that are offline all the time.
  3. @andrewilley@maxmp Ok i could be the shutdown but : 1. as you wrote i can not get a log 2. both Headunits (my : Erisin, my Freinds : xtron) are to old and in the support forums for that two models there is no intent to find. By the way - i dont have programming skills in Android and can not change any of code. The only thing i have control over is that shutdowntime that i already set at his highest level. And again : Now (that was install by my friends Unit) that i have figured out that the test Version work fine and dont have that issue why it is not possible to get a Version without Onlinecheck ? That would the easiest Way to solve the Problem. I
  4. Hi, yesterday evening my friend reported me - He let his ignition key over night and the following day in aktivation position and let the Headunit on over night and day and the other Night using the home wlan to let the Headunit be on Internet for all the time. Poweramp reported aktivation succesful and licence stored. On Tuesday he drove to work with the car and V3 worked fine (shows still aktivated) - without Internet conection because of the lag of lte or 4g in our area. At home this evening he reconnected to the home Wlan. On wednesday morning V3 worked fine but as he get in the car after work and turn the Headunit on this happend : The V3 starts very slowly and plays not the song that he heard last at the morning - it plays the first song of a random folder (he has 7 folders with Music) and repeat that song after its finished. And after he looks on the Activation Status it shows aktivation falied. It is the same behavior that on my Headunit. Lets resume : Let the Unit on for 48 Hours - ok Check the Aktivation Status after 48 Hours - ok Try differnt Cabal connections on car (all time power on my car and Ignition power on my friends Car) - ok Setting the V3 not on Random Play - ok Result - The aktivation faild after more of 48 hours on both Units - the free Version works without issus on his device (i tried that not on my car with free Version - i tought that the behavior with the random play is normal in the free Version but as i see its not). Believe it or not - the aktivation Process faild on both Headunits with different Versions of Android (my 5.0.1 his 6) and differnt roms and differnet manufactures of the Headunit. It could be that the handeling of shutdown is the answer, it could be that the changes in roms from normal smartphones to headunits is the answer and it could be that V3 is developd for smartphones is the answer too !but! the solution is as i said befor is a Version with a different aktivation (eg. Install unsing a aktivation code number) or no aktivation at all. As these Headunits (aftermarked) comes from china its no telling that difference in programming in those devices is different from smartphones and i think that no other workaround and setting would make a differn My Question now is : Is it possible to get a Version V3 with full features and with no aktivation needed to test over 2 or 3 Months to asure that problem dosent shows of after a longer period ? I would gladly try this out. If not - i will dump my hope of a working V3 and you can close this posting.
  5. An Update : i installed the V3 Free Trail version on the Headunit my friend have an Monday this week, he reported me yesterday that its work fine without any issues. I will deinstall it today and install the fullversion with the unlocker V3 to check how it will work over the period of 3 days. After that i will post here that he will report me. For me - i will use V2 untill he tells me that it will work on his car now - if its not working we both stay with V2 or look for another good Android Musicplayer.
  6. @andrewilleyand MotleyG Yes i install the Headunit by myself. I work on a car repairshop and do this very often. This car is a Fiat Bravo MK2 from 2008 and the electronic in this car is like in most italien cars very sensitiv so i must wired it by bypassing the Cars useuall Car stereo wiring prozess because otherwise the Obd 2 System shows many Errors. You are right - the Car headunit gets everytime power on both 12+ Cables , but this Headunit does the follwing by pressing the Powerbutton : It shut down like a Smartphone if you power it compleytly of. You can select over the Setting Menü in this Device how long the shutdowntime shout be to secure close all apps. The standart Time is 8 Seconds - i set it on 20 sec. to make shure that all is secure. II can asure you that not only the Screen is out - its not a bug its a feature. I And another Thing - By my friend who has a similar Headunit that he as bulit in from a other carshop (Golf 6) its wired the normal way (powerdown if Ignition Key is removed) its the same Problem with V3 of Poweramp. By the Way - why others user with smartphones also have this problem with v3 ? Its not only a problem with Headunits. eg. A guy on Playstore reportet he has the Problem if he flys by Plane and the V3 needs Internet to verify ? And as i wrote befor - if its a Hardwareproblem or a wiring or shutdown issue why does V2 work ? Its store the license an keep it and it never give me any Problems ? And why every single other app work without problems and store and keep her data ? A Software or Codeproblem ok - but 100 % not a Hardware Problem. By the Way - in this "spezial" Fiat Bravo there is no position there the car have Main power without the Glowplugs.
  7. @andrewilley i wrote : Also : 12v Ignition is connected to 12 v permanet, and power for memory is also connected to 12 v permanently like in the Cars of the 80 years That means : this is the wiring diagram - its this setup that allow to manually turn the Headunit on / off without the Ignition Key - the normal setting is (label on wire from headunit Ignition to car igniton, and memory 12 v to permanent 12v) I set it up : label on wire from headunit Ignition to permanent 12v, and memory 12 v to permanent 12v I forgot in the earlyer post to add the line - "label on wire from headunit" - sorry ... In this setup you can not cut the power with the ignition key - you can only turn of the Headunit by pressing the On/off button on the Headunit. And after pressing this On/off button the shutdowndelay of 20sec. is set. Ok - if the V3 Trail is the same as the Full V3 it will not behave different after Installation. The V3 was installed on the intern Memory of the Headunit, on the Sd card is only the Nav Software Igo und the Musicfiles are an an Usbstick. V2 and V3 are both recognize the Musicfiles on the Stick without any Problems.
  8. @maxmp Ok - i give up - i use now the V2 Version in my car but i must say that none of the other 23 Apps have Problems with that device and there be things like tourqe pro etc. that also store license Information as well. i hoped that there be the oportunity to test it with a full Version that have no check to test. Now i will install the Trial Version on the Device my friend have and he can look how it behave in the next 5 Days. @andrewilley: That you say make sence but i shout the Headunit down by pressing the Powerbutton on the Headunit and have set a Shoutdowntime of 20 seconds not by cutting off the power using the Ignition key (Headunit is permanetly connected to +12 because i will hear music even with no Turned on ignition key - its a Diesel and then the Glowplugs would go on every time causing powerwasting). Also : 12v Ignition is connected to 12 v permanet, and power for memory is also connected to 12 v permanently like in the Cars of the 80 years.
  9. Because it behave like the non rigistred free Version (dont remember last song etc.) under info it shows license check faild (after 3 or more days with the Headunit turned off - on the first and second day the license is present and it shows the " no checks needed - permanently store" as you says. You can belive me - the Headunit have a problem with the app activation prozess - i do nothing wrong. All Installation and checking the license is right - it is the activation, storing it on the device or something other in the App V3 itself that confuses the Headunit so it will not use or delete the stored aktivation. Today i reinstalled the whole headunit with the malaysk rom and the other Apps and reinstalled V2 because i want at last hear music without any trouble.
  10. @ andrewilley That can be a thing and i dont know what kind of code they use in this China Headunits ... @ maxmp Then i install both V3 and the unlocker and let the system check it online and turn Poweramp on within 24 hours it says so - thats right - that routine that you discribe is exectly that i did - i tried even with the Headunit bulit out of the car and set it up over to a 12 Power supply and let it on for 48 hours with Internet on over my home W-lan. It stores it and if i built the unit in the Car again it works. BUT - if i let the Headunit in the car ca. 3-4 days turned off it will check again - you can belive me - i tried everything and non will work. I can say - the only two solutions that i can think off is a version without any check or get back to V2 ... sorry ...
  11. I hope he will make this option possible. if its not a routine thing why does the V2 work without any problems ? All other apps on this Headunit (even the newest) run without any problems this kind. And as i said another people have this problem too. if he will agree too such a "special" Version he will make a lot of customers happy and instead of given as support that standard answer (V3 checks during 24 h. and never again) he can give this version out for this people to try it out. And another thing - i think this kind of version may be existing already (the developer sure has a version that dont need aktivation) and in that case it costs no work to do programming.
  12. Hallo andrewilley, i know - as i wrote, i dont now how Headunit handle apps after deep sleep. this is not part of a installed rom - it is "in the Bios" of the Headunit. The Question is still - that is the difference between the Aktivation Process,storing the aktivation File und handeling after reboot or something - as it seems to afect some Smartfons either. It must be a difference there between V2 and V3 that causes the Problem. If it is not so - why the V2 is working without the Problem ? And as its seems the other People in Playstore reporting this issue has the same Situation - v2 dont checks after 24h again but the V3 does this (that reason ever) even then the Reg File is stored on some Devices. A solution can be a Version of V3 that has no check at all - or the same handeling as in V2. As i wrote - i know that a copy protection is nessesary but for Customers that have paid and have this kind of Problem could be helped with this. e.g. This "unprotected" Version is only given to ones with this problem under trust that they dont give it too other People or could be inprinted with a special Code that contains the Name of the person that is given that Version to be sure it is not given away (like the Mp3 Files of Music that can be buyed on Amazon for download). I think that is a good Idea - that you say to this ?
  13. Hello Maxmp, yes i know - the support team wrote me the same thing. But : Lets pretend while the deep sleep or Loop Reset of the Headunit clears the app Data - what can i do ? Is there a way to overcome this issue ? And then not - why the Version 2 works ? As i wrote befor - there must be a bug that causes this because the old Version has not such a Problem. As the V3 is a complety new Program - is the License handling in Poweramp V2 and V3 different or the same ? And as wrote earlier - on the Playstore under "Ratings" for the App there are several People that have this Kind of Problem and the as the Answer from the Support it is listetd always the standart Answer that i get from the Support. Even on Smartphones like a Guy there during a Planeflight that his Version will check for the License. As you wrote : The License stays on the Device - that may be right but after a Deep Sleep - loop reset Poweramp shows the Behavior that it will check for the license again. That is a fact for this Device . The Support Team wrote me this standart Answer : Hello from Poweramp support team! Poweramp v3 checks license during the first 24 hours after the purchase. The license is then permanently stored on the device. No further online checks are needed, you can uninstall the Unlocker, be offline, etc. You can check the license status in Poweramp settings / About (it will say: License is stored on the device). This may be so by a standart Smartphone but not for the common Headunit. A friend has another Headunit with Android 6 from another Brand and he has the same Problem.
  14. Thanks for the quick repley, i tried it with the standart Rom a well - the same Error. You write "Device Reset" - i think that is point - perhaps the Reset of a Headunit differs sligtly from a standart Phone ? The question is why the V2 does have not this Problem ? Ok - i try too write this Issue to the Support Thanks !
  15. Hi, The Hardware is : Car Headunit Erisin with Android 5.0.1 and Custom Rom Malaysk V13 with Google Play installed. I bought Years ago the Version 2 of Poweramp that workt fine and tried several times over the last two Years to intsall the Version 3 with the Unlocker for V3 from the Google Playstore. The last Version i tried was the V 893 but with all the Versions of V3 i treid i get this Bug : Deinstalatin v2 and Unlocker v2 - ok Installation V3 und Unlocker V3 - ok Installed Version 3 run and is aktivated. Licence check after 24 Hours is ok - Device reports that licence is permanenty store on device. Every think works fine until the Headunit does a rest (Headunits does this very often) - that means the same as you turn of a Smartphone with Power off and restart it. Now after starting Poweramp v3 it will conect with playstore the renew the aktivation. But if the car is driving that is not possible because i live in a sektion in my Country thre are very poor wife and Handy connection. The strange thing is that with the old Version V2 it checks never after the one in the 24 hours und if its reboots everything is aktivated. I think it is a Problem with the Way the new aktivation Prozess in V3 is handeled . I would really use the V3 on my car because its so much better than the V2 but this Error (new aktivation after every reboot) it is absolutly not possible and i must return to V2. Can you please help me out ? i read the ratings for the App on the Google Playstore and find several Persons with the same Bug reporting there. The think is that you have to do the aktivation like in v2 - it must be different in v3 because V2 has no such Problems.
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