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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by maxmp

  1. Poweramp build-564 - fixed widget configuration on Android 2.x - fixed issue with License error #1 - fixed issue with welcome dialog
  2. Poweramp skin sdk requires Android SDK setup and working on the computer. Setting up Android SDK is out of scope of Poweramp skin SDK) There are a lot of resources (from the step-by-step to advanced ones) on the internet. Also, we develop on Macs, and can't help with Windows specifics. Generally, with the Android SDK working (adb / ant works), Poweramp sample skins are buildable out of box with few modifications to local.properties (see the how-to doc). The version.code error you're seeing is probably because of obsolete Android SDK you're using. Thanks!
  3. DDSZYou can't compile it in eclipse. You can import projects into eclipse (or any other IDE) and edit them there, but to build skin you need to use "ant". Please see how to in first post. Thanks!
  4. - PowerampAPI and Sample app updated with Scanner API support. This is supported by Poweramp build 551+. - Updated reference resources to match build 550+
  5. Q. Poweramp требует постоянной работы интернета? Не требует. Poweramp проверят лицензию через интернет: - 1 раз для версии с веб-сайта/Yandex.Store - 2 раза для версии с Play (1 раз сразу после первой покупки и через 15 минут после нее - время задается серверами Гугла и зависит от времени возможного возврата/Refund) Если Poweramp не смог проверить лицензию, он показывает желтый треугольник в настройках и продолжает проверять лицензию. Это сделано для того, что бы в случае недоступности серверов Гугла, у пользователей был "грейс" период. Время таких проверок весьма большое - недели при нечастом использовании Poweramp. Через примерно 30 таких растянутых по времени неуспешных 30 проверок Poweramp перестает работать. Есть сообщения в форумах о постоянной проверки лицензии Poweramp'ом. Это результат использования крякнутой версии в которой отключен показ желтого треугольника в настройках и/или диалога о прекращении работы. Соответственно, Poweramp продолжает проверят невалидную лицензию, но результатов неуспешной проверки не видно (отключено кряком) в течении примерно 30 попыток. Если у вас при отключении Интернета вдруг появляется сообщение о проблеме с лицензией, это значит лицензия не была ни разу успешна проверена (см. вопросы выше в этом FAQ).
  6. Right, few strings are missing from strings files, will be added for the next build. Thanks!
  7. Poweramp updated with the latest translations: http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3189-poweramp-209-build-527-updated-24-april-2013/
  8. There will be a build with the all updated translations ASAP. Thanks a much for your great help.
  9. Re: unknown album/artist - those values get written into the database on first Poweramp installation, thus, it depends on user system locale and Poweramp build. We'll probably add some code to change it post-factum. Thanks!
  10. andrei1015 Sorry, why coulndn't you translate? Some issues with crowdin?
  11. Нам достаточно одно из: - ваш email который использовался для покупки - ваш номер заказа Спасибо!
  12. Should work now, updated our subscription. Thanks!
  13. Will do! Thanks. The latest build with all translations included is here:
  14. Q: Почему экран блокировки разблокируется на стандартный экран блокировки? По умолчанию PowerAMP использует подход, используемый в других плеерах, разблокирует устройство на стандартный экран блокировки. Настроить поведение экрана блокировки можно через Настройки/Опции экрана блокировки/Сразу разблокировать.
  15. Poweramp skins APK can't be built by Eclipse at this moment (we're looking for workaround), as these APKs have special prepared resources. The "ant" command works as simple as opening console, cd'ing into the project directory and typing one of the commands from Skin build process
  16. Sorry, but what exactly is confusing? Just unzip the Skin SDK zip and import one of the provided projects into Eclipse as usual (File -> Import). Thanks!
  17. Thanks for the feedback. We can provide some how-tos for initial steps, but the theme creation itself is not easy to describe with the pics - as this is basically Android XML resources based development and skin author should be familiar with it (more or less).
  18. Prerequisites: Install Android SDK (you may need to install various required components, see System requirements here – http://developer.and.../sdk/index.html). Current Poweramp skin build script is ADT 23.0.5 compatible.Ensure you have BOTH Android SDK Build-tools 21.1.1 and 20 installedDownload/extract skin projects, import into Eclipse (get latest poweramp_api sources: https://github.com/maxmpz/powerampapi).Now you're ready to review, make modifications in Eclipse and compile/build skins in console. Note that you can build skin only from console with Ant, thus, ensure “ant” command is in path and Ant generally works. You can't build/”run” skin from within Eclipse, it will probably find non-existent errors (just “delete” errors in Eclipse Problems then, as they are not relevant anyway).How Poweramp themes work in short: Poweramp uses standard Android layouts/styles/themes and resources (http://developer.and...-resources.html)Poweramp contains “default” skin, other skins inherit from this one, thus it's not necessary to define each and every image, style, layout, etc. to build your skin – you just redefine parts you want to redefine.Poweramp demo skin sources include Ant build skin, which can be used both for developing/debugging your skin via jar packaging (“ant jarpush”, which immediately uploads skin jar to the connected device/emulator), or for APK building.Poweramp detects installed skins (either built as APK or as jar files in appropriate folder on sd card) and shows them in Settings => Look and Feel => ThemePoweramp detects skin change on Activity.onDestroy, i.e. when some Poweramp screen closed/navigated away with back button. Poweramp skin is: An Android project with specific ant build scriptskin_lib library project, which is referenced by your skin project. skin_lib contains necessary AndroidManifest.xml definitions, some java/xml code for InfoActivity (the default activity which is started when skin icon is pressed in launcher) Skin APK which contains skin resources and also some Activity (sample skins contain Activity which has just small hint/about text and button, which opens Poweramp theme selection dialog via intent).Skin APK manifest should contain <meta-data android:name="com.maxmpz.PowerampSkins" android:value="true"/>. This is used by Poweramp to find skin “app”, installed on the device.Each theme in skin APK/jar is listed in values/skins.xml. There are 3 arrays (1 integer array and 2 string-arrays). First one contains (<integer-array name="poweramp_skins">) list of skin themes, second list contain skin names (<string-array name="poweramp_skin_names">), and third – skin author names (<string-array name="poweramp_skin_authors">). Basically, you can start with modifying these strings as needed in sample skin sources.Selected skin theme/style applied to the whole application (either on user theme user selection in theme dialog or when Poweramp starts for the first time). Android styles and various other resources support some sort of “inheritance” - meaning app theme can be derived from some other global theme, which only few styles/images/dimensions/etc. redefined where needed. Poweramp exploits this in its theme implementation, this simplifies skin development a lot, as skin author can start with “default” skin and modify elements he/she wishes gradually until desired result achieved. For example, one skin author can redefine just Poweramp backgrounds, buttons, but leave icons as is. While another author can change all fonts, icons, some layouts, but leave “as is” backgrounds and buttons from default theme. Generally, only limited number of styles could be modified to get absolutely different look from skin, but anyway, almost each style/resource in Poweramp can be overridden, though it's not strictly required or needed. How to start building your own skin: copy some provided skin source/template (e.g. skin_template) and name it as desiredensure the skin_lib project is available to Eclipse and ant build tools (skin_lib project is near your skin project folder) rename skin_lib/local.properties.EDITME to skin_lib/local.properties and edit it: point sdk.dir to your android-sdk root directory edit <your project>/AndroidManifest.xml – change <manifest> package attribute to some developer/skin unique name edit <your project>/res/values/strings.xml app_name string – this is app/skin name, visible in Google Play/device Apps tab, etc. rename <your project>/local.properties.EDITME to <your project>/local.properties and edit it: point sdk.dir to your android-sdk root directory point key.store and and set key.alias to your android developer keystore/alias. Only needed for release version of APK for publishing on Google Play <optionally> edit import project name in .project file (<name> tag) and “Import...” project into Eclipse project. Any text editor can be actually used for skin creation, Eclipse or other IDE is not required. Skin build process: ant – (default task) - Simple build skin as jar: while in skin directory Build should end with something like: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 secondant jarpush - build (debug) skin as .jar and upload to the device New skin is immediately available in Poweramp themes selection dialog. This is preferred way of debugging skins, as Poweramp can also detect jar changes immediately – you just need to close/return from Poweramp screen and start it again.ant apkpush – build (debug) skin as .apk and upload/install to the device.ant dist – build release skin as .apk and put it named as ${ant.project.name} into /dist directory. These builds are numbered appropriately with version.num, but AndroidManifest.xml is not modified automatically, i.e. you should manually increment version numbers there for updates on Google Play.Namespaces: It's important to understand how namespaces work in skin xml files and how to properly use them to override some Poweramp style, image, layout, etc. Various styles, images, strings, ids, almost anything in Android xml resources and resources themselves are identified by simple name within some namespace. By default (when namespace part is not specified), Android resource compiler uses project package name. Poweramp package name is “com.maxmpz.audioplayer”, thus all resource references for Poweramp should be prefixed with “com.maxmpz.audioplayer:” (with semicolon) to be visible to Poweramp. Simple example: <item name=”Text1”>...</item> - this defines some Text1 attribute, which is not visible to Poweramp, nor overrides anything for custom Poweramp skin. <item name="com.maxmpz.audioplayer:Text1">@style/Classic_Text1</item> This overrides Poweramp Text1 attribute and forces Poweramp to use skin Classic_Text1 style everywhere, where Text1 attribute is referenced in Poweramp. com.maxmpz.audioplayer namespaceprefix should be used also for in-layout ids (as Poweramp should be able to find widgets by known-by-Poweramp ids), strings, dimen(sions) and other resources. This prefix shouldn't be used for the skin customized styles or other possible resources which skins adds to Poweramp – including new drawables, icons, custom layouts, colors, etc. You can see clear examples of namespace prefix usage in skin_classic sources. Sample projects and resources: skin_lib skin_lib project is not a sample project, but a library project, which should be referenced by your skin project. All skin SDK sample projects reference skin_lib, so if you copy/paste some sample project into the same directory where skin_lib project is located, reference is already valid. Otherwise you should edit <your project>/project.properties file and point android.library.reference.1 property to your skin_lib project location. To setup this project, please rename skin_lib/local.properties.EDITME to skin_lib/local.properties and edit it: point sdk.dir to your android-sdk root directory NOTE: please try not to customize/edit skin_lib project, except local.properties file. Instead, you can override everything in your skin project. The skin_lib library provides: basic AndroidManifest.xml definitions, required for Poweramp Skin APK (meta) basic resources, required for skin - /res/public.xml, full InfoActivity implementation, which is capable of: selecting skin (multiple skins in one APK are supported) supporting Poweramp themed icon hiding skin icon from launcher few basic string labels in strings.xml ant build script rules for both library project and for the skin projects reference Poweramp APK which is required in skin build process skin_template This is empty skin, which can be built out of box (please see section How to start building your own skin). “Empty” means there are no overrides to default Poweramp skin at all. two_skins This is almost empty skin (just song title color override), which shows how to implement 2 or more skins in one APK. skin_classic This is full source of Poweramp Classic Skins, which include many skin overrides, graphics, layouts, etc. skin_custom_info_activity This sample skin project shows how to override skin_lib InfoActivity and add some extra buttons into it. This project tries to reuse as much as possible from skin_lib, derives activity class from skin_lib InfoActivity, but fully overrides AndroidManifest.xml. reference_resources These are Poweramp resources (animations, colors, drawables, layouts, dimensions, etc.) resources given for reference. As Poweramp skins are derived from default skin, please use reference_resources/values/default_styles.xml as primary source for available "skinnable" styles. default_style.psd Default theme "source" photoshop file. This is the file, from which all Poweramp graphic resources were generated for default theme. Note that the file is heavily organized into: Layer Comps. Please enable Layer Comps in Photoshop (Window=>Layer Comps) to quickly show/hide appropriate Poweramp layouts/elements. Grouped Layers. There are various groups, which visibilities are controlled by Layer Comps Layer Names. These can be directly used as resulting image name. Various additional words after space should be ignored in the name (such as "copy", "xdpi", "mdpi", etc.). Default skin also adds "matte_" to each image name (as Poweramp has also few other themes, with graphics prefixed by theme name). Prefixing is not necessary for custom theme, but advised. Also, this is the only way to have two or more skins in one APK. Layers. All Poweramp generated graphics placed into separate Smart Object layers. Those layers, which are not Smart Objects, are not used in Poweramp, but just there for visual help (i.e. android wallpaper, android statusbar, some backgrounds, etc.). Each Smart Object can be separately opened, edited and saved. Such separate Smart Object documents have specifically assigned dimension (width x height) to match icon and layout sizes. Some Smart Objects are duplicated right in PSD file for xhdpi/mdpi resolutions, some are not (where not needed). 9p files. Note that some layers have .9 suffix. This means, they have 9-patch "meta" black lines added (via "9p" named layer) and should be saved as "layername.9p.png" Smart Object Layer Comp. Some images have few states, for example, buttons have normal, pressed, and focused states. These are all there, implemented via Layer Comps for such Smart Objects. When such Smart Object double clicked in Layers tab, Smart Object document Layer Comps tab will show available states. Normal state image is saved with Layer name, without suffixes (button.png), other state - with lowercase state name after underscore "_" (button_pressed.png, button_focused.png). This is true for Poweramp skins, you can follow any other naming scheme as long as you properly put your drawables/images names into appropriate XML files. Lollipop (Android 5.0) compatible skins You may need to rebuild your skin with latest poweramp_skin_sdk revision. Please check poweramp_skin_sdk changelog.txt for detais. Update android:targetSdkVersion to 21 in AndroidManifest.xml of your skin and in project.properties Android 5.0 doesn't support skin defined attrs.xml (style attributes) anymore. Those won't be resolved and skin will fail to load. Please remove such attributes from your skin xml code and use one of the following workarounds: just use some styles/values directly, instead of using custom skin attributes use some Poweramp defined attribute which can be safely used for skin (e.g. com.maxmpz.audioplayer:background can be used freely as skin attribute, as Poweramp uses it internally for sub styles) use skin_ref1..skin_ref10, skin_bg1..skin_bg10, skin_color1..skin_color10, skin_dimen1..skin_dimen10 attributes (see reference resources values/attrs.xml for details). This is provided by Poweramp build-565+
  19. Download Poweramp build-588 (or use the new 'Downloads' tab at the top of the page) Download Poweramp HD Skins build-8 NOTE: 860xxx build under Spoiler below is for Intel based devices - it brings 2x-6x reduced CPU usage and better battery life for such devices. You can install the intel optimized version on devices with Intel inside logo. It won't work on ARM based devices. If you install this one you won't be able to install 'usual' version without full reinstall and settings loss! Recent Changelog: 589: fixed issue with Android 6.0 @ Intel based devices (build exists for Intel devices only) 588: album art downloading update 587: rebuilt with previous Android Build Tools version to fix UI language selection (Android 4.4- 586: fixed embed covers @ Samsung S7/E 586: added link to v3.0 test build (Settings, Android4.1+/ARM-only) 585: fixed album art downloading 584: fixed couple of minor issues @ Android 6.0 583: fixed tag editing on SD card @ Android 6.0 583: fixed issue which prevented some skins from loading on Sony devices @ Android 5.0+ 582: fixed issue with seekbar @ Android 6.0 If for any reason you have problems when you install the latest build, you can re-download older versions of the Regular (ARM) Builds or the Intel Chipset Versions. Caution should always be advised when rolling back any software, just in case new settings or features may have been added which may no longer be compatible with older versions. You'll probably be fine of course, but install at your own risk.
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