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  1. Hi, thank you for your answers! A 'Queue Only' mode would really be a great feature, I hope it will be implemented in the near future. Thank you for the help, I appreciate it very much! Arjun
  2. Hi Andre Thank you for for the fast reply! Adding the artist to the queue is a solution, even though a little bit complicate. What I still don't like now with the queue solution: after I've added the artist to the empty queue and play all the tracks, if I accidentally press the >>> button instead of the >> for the next track, I plays the next artist, even though the queue contains only the artist I previously selected. Pressing <<< does not take me back to the queue. I activated the option you advised in the settings "stay in queue". Is there a way to always really stay in the queue? Best regards, Arjun
  3. I bought Poweramp to play file from a folder hierarchy Genre\Artist\Album1 Album2 etc. Now I enter "Folder Hierarchy", enter the folder Rock and an artist with 3 albums. Now I want Poweramp only to play those 3 albums and when it ends, to stop or begin again with the first album of this specific artist. How can I do that? At the end of the last album album, Poweramp jumps to the next artist, but I want to stay within the artist.
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