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  1. the classic one is great. can you add the white peak indicators?
  2. Hello, is there a spectrum analyzer that mirrors the old PC winamp spectrum analyzer ? video of analyzer https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.stack.imgur.com%2FWDSI7.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F15163244%2Fspectrum-analyzer-with-python&tbnid=vXi4aEaq7LmuAM&vet=12ahUKEwijiN2l7Y78AhXv58kDHXURD0EQMyhAegQIARBr..i&docid=dBHCE9W1biAMlM&w=1200&h=816&q=winamp spectrum analyzer&ved=2ahUKEwijiN2l7Y78AhXv58kDHXURD0EQMyhAegQIARBr Im particularly looking for the green to orange to red at the top transition, with white peak holds. I downloaded the Poweramp spectrum kit and I cant quite get the 3 colors on the spectrum analyzer. I set the what appears to be the upper limit threshold to red color, middle to orange and lower to green. yet the analylizer only shows the lower green and mid yellow color as shown. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pBxg9fi-wXUCT6vKF3MxG9xwbhS1DjH4/view?usp=sharing is there a way to acheive this or is there already one for purchase? any help appreciated
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