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Mike Wintersgill

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  1. @maxmp"In your case you shouldn't disable Legacy File Access, but add the folders with CUE via "Add Folder or Storage" and uncheck them in the Legacy access folders (so no duplications happen)." As soon as I uncheck folders in legacy access folders, I lose the virtual cue folders and am left with just the mp3 files. At the moment, the solution for me which avoids duplicates and produces virtual cue folders, is to use the music folder in Legacy Mode, and uncheck the music folder under Add Folder and Storage. This is not a problem at the moment, but presumably I'll have to see what happens when Samsung updates to Android 13. Thanks once again for your help.
  2. I'll give that a try and get back to you. Thanks.
  3. Maybe, but as you can see from my screenshot above, legacy is given permissions to "storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/Music", which I never selected, and I'm guessing this might be the cause of my issue. Mike
  4. Hi Andre. Have tried that (again), but it's not working for me. Is there a debugging or extended logging option to try and figure out what the problem is? I suspect it is a permission's problem with the new storage API writing the virtual folders for cue files, but I'm only guessing. And again, thanks for your help.
  5. @maxmp OK, you're onto something here, but this seems to work in the opposite way to your advice! I had added the Music folder via "Add Folder or Storage" which results in my library comprising 30 folders and 238 songs all of which are MP3 files with no cue files showing, and no virtual folders. If I remove my music folder, and enable the setting "File Access Legacy Mode", PA restarts, and now I have 86 folders and 2782 songs, and everything works as before. If I disable legacy mode, the app restarts and I still have 86 folders and 2782 songs, but under Library>Folders Selection it looks like this: But everything works as before. Re-enabling "Mike's S22 Ultra" Music folder results in 30 folders and 238 songs. Don't know if it helps, but I've had the S22 since April and transferred apps and settings from my old S10+ using Samsung Switch. Could this allow the legacy settings/database with cue folders to work? It was only after I did a Library>Full Rescan that CUE folders disappeared. Thanks for your help, Mike
  6. @andrewilley I have just installed GoneMAD, as a hopefully temporary measure, until we can resolve this. It is seeing and reading the cue files correctly, and allowing me to play individual tracks, which theoretically eliminates it being an android issue or an issue with my cue files. Having used PA since Samsung Galaxy S2 days (2011) I am a bit gutted, as I much prefer its interface and quality to GoneMAD.
  7. Yes, in PA, I usually use the Folder view, as most of the mp3 files are DJ sets which I have made cue files for to be able to play individual tracks. I organize them by DJ into folders, and up until today, the only folders I would see were ones that contained mp3s without cue files. Each mp3 would appear as a virtual folder. As of now, I see a folder for each DJ with raw mp3 files and no song info. If I use Root Explorer or My Files (Samsung app) and browse to my music folder, I can see the mp3 files next to the cue files. It's just PA which now seems to be ignoring them.
  8. Yes, Show CUE disc image files is turned off.
  9. Hi Andre, No files have not been moved, and all was working before today. I have checked CUE files are still there, and they play just fine if I transfer them to pc. It's as if the Parse CUE files option was turned off, and I have tried turning it off and back on and rescanning, but not working. I've even tried uninstalling, restarting phone and reinstalling. Mike
  10. build-939-bundle-play [939004-333c8a71] Full Version 64 bit Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Added a new mp3 and cue file and the virtual folder was not created. Went into Settings>Library>Full Rescan, and now all virtual folders have disappeared, leaving only folders with mp3 files. Under Settings>Library>Scanner the "Parse CUE Files" option is selected, but no matter what I do to rescan, cannot get virtual Cue file folders back. Have tried clearing app data and removing and re-selecting music folder, etc. Help!
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