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  1. While I see were you are coming from, that would be extremely time and space consuming, beside the result not being that good. For example, an Spc song unpacked is 32kb (no matter the length of the song!), and in a rar pack it's incredibly small for a massive amount of music.
  2. Given that there are currently some available APU, and available plugins would that make it an easier task? Like for Spc https://www.slack.net/~ant/libs/audio.html Being totally not a programmer, I'm not sure if these can be of any use or if implementing then would be difficult, but there's a good amount of players out there supporting those formats using this very base code. Thanks for your answers so far!
  3. The title should be spc/.rsn my cellphone love to correct filenames... 😅
  4. Greetings to all! I was wondering if it was possible to request for classic consoles chiptune files to be supported by the app. I'm thinking of SNES Spc files, NES NSF files, sega Genesis and master system and so on... I would find it extremely useful to be able to play these formats while on the go using Android auto... And in sure many others would be too! I'm aware of this request being probably niche, but I'm pretty sure many more would buy the app is those were supported. Thanks for any answer of consideration, be the answer positive or not.
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