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  1. The second phase of the full rescan is the one that takes long for me. im currently backing up all my micro SD, so that i can format it and check if it helps. any other suggestions on how to speed it up? File system you mean the one of the micro SD?
  2. Tried but it’s still slow. As I speak, 3000songs found out of 8000 in 20minutes… guess I’ll have to format the sd and check how it will go. not sure if I shall keep the legacy ON or OFF though.
  3. Ok, i’ll try tomorrow! Thanks! even if i don’t understand which concurrent android tasks would be using the music folder (as Hiby music is stopped forcibly).
  4. 1. Correct, they are on an external microSD 2. I did not try, as the same card is fairly new and was working much faster (in terms of Poweramp full rescan) on the older Sony A105. 3. In the SD root, the structure is MUSIC/ARTIST/ALBUM. They hiby player app is force stopped. thanks
  5. I am having issue with first/full rescan of library on my Hiby M300 (last firmware, android 13). I have around 8000files, most of them FLAC. With the playstore version, the full rescan was too slow i could not even wait for. With the web downloaded version, with legacy mode ON, it’s taking less, but still around one hour to complete which is much more than even my old Sony A105 with Android 9. Is it normal? Anyone sharing their experience?
  6. Hi, anyone using Poweramp with a Sony a105 willing to share best sound quality optimization? In particular, I am using BT earphones Edifier Neobuds pro (LDAC), but either on OpenSL and OpenSL Hi-Res, the output is fixed to 44.1 and 16bit no matter the kHz bitrate of the Flac I am playing and that the neobuds can enjoy 32bits and 192khz in LDAC mode. Thank you.
  7. @maxmphi, can you please help? Thanks a lot!
  8. Thank you, this solved the direct Bluetooth connection in between my Hiby R6 and my BT Final ZE3000. My issue remains if i want to use my Bluetooth USB-C DAC (aptx adaptive receiver) to get use of Aptx Adaptive of my ZE3000 (since Hiby R6 is not aptx Adaptive compatible per se). I did some test, connected the usb dac to my Hiby R6 with the IEM paired to the DAC in aptx adaptive: 1) in PA if USB DAC is ON under HiRes, no sound get streamed, no matter if i switch NO DVC ON or OFF. I also tried to rise volume trough PA and also directly from my IEM (which bips, thus increasing the volume) but no sound it’s streamed. Also tried to disable Absolute Volume from developer but no sound get streamed. 2) in PA if USB DAC is ON under AAudio Output instead, if NO DVC is OFF, no sound is streamed, no matter if i rise volume on PA or by my IEM. if NO DVC is ON, sounds get streamed (can change bitrate, cannot change kbps which remains fixed to 48khz) but i can control the volume only via touch buttons directly on my IEM (visually also showing increase of +-1 in Poweramp volume UI wheel). If i try to change volume from PA UI volume wheel, the volume does not change. How can i sync PA volume with the IEM volume via USB DAC? note: i tried the USBC DAC with Hiby player, and it works flawlessly, no config needed. Anyhow, for the test above with PA, Hiby player was disabled and forced stopped from Android to avoid conflicts. thank you
  9. Anyone has solution to this? Or similar case? Thank you
  10. Another test i did. if i allow usb audio to be on AAudio output, with float32 and NO DVC ON it can stream at 24bit. But, volume is fixed, even if i change, it doesen’t. on the contrary, if i switch NO DVC to OFF, no sound get streamed.
  11. I understand. point is that here, if i switch NO DVC to ON, it switch to 24bit but no sound is streamed, eventhough the music is playing (can see the scroll bar and seconds running). hope it can be fixed somehow. thanks as always for the supportz
  12. Hello, I have an issue to check with you. I am currently using Poweramp on my new Hiby R6 2020, which does not support AptX Adaptive. On the other hands, my Moondrop Variations are connected Bluetooth with FIIO UTWS5 which support AptX Adaptive (24bit). I then purchased a small USB BT DAC capable of streaming in AptX adaptive, and indeed its led color is showing that, when attached and paired with the UTWS5. Despite that, Poweramp is showing streaming at capped 16bit, with “No DVC” OFF, for Hi-Res USB DAC device. If I switch ON “No DVC”, then 16bit became 24bit, but no audio is streamed. (on the same philosophy, for both wired and direct BT connection, I had to switch NO DVC ON to raise the bitrate (and volume) for these two device, working fine with no problem, there is another thread on that in the forum). Anyone can support? Thanks
  13. I am sorry to call back the thread. can anyone please explain me how to import the txt autoeq files for my headphones into Poweramp? specifically i have three earphones for which i’d like to import (and save) their autoeq parametric equalizations, without inputting everything by hand. thanks! Edit: i found out, by long pressing in the eq presets, i can import the autoeq txt files.
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