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file/folder/library Browser enhancements/fixes

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The file/folder/library browser could be enhanced with the following:
  1. Keep the "Filter" bar on top of the screen always while scrolling down the list. It's annoying that whith a long list of files you have to endlessly scroll back to the top to get access to the filter bar.
  2. A more efficient way to select multiple files/folders. Currently you have to counter-intuitively enter the main menu and select "add to list" to start selecting multiple files. It could be done by:
    • swiping a file/folder/name to the right (adding the '+' selection sign to it and starting multiple selection mode; swiping to the left removes the selection) and then following files/folders/names may be selected by just clicking them as it works today.
    • Add a context menu (click and hold over a file/folder/name) item for "Multiple select".
  3. In Folder view: Filter files/folders should also act over folder paths (not just the file name). This way, if I want to select all folders for an artist, say "Lindsey Stirling", I may filter for "Lindsey" and then just play/queue/add-to-a-list them all at once, instead of having to browse for each and every album name and add it to a list one at a time.
  4. A way to easily export filtered files to m3u/pls playlists instead of having to post-edit lists exported from the Settings menu o  by external apps like 'Playlist Backup'.
  5. Also, more tolerance in swipe down/up/right/left over album cover, which skips track/changes playlist.. I would expect the skip track function to be much more common (indeed it is) than the skip playlist, so the swiping angle may be much wider for left/right than it is for up/down (120° left/120°right vs. 60°up/60°down). This is especially relevant when using the Block screen option (and even a disable "cover swipe in Block screen" would be a better option imho).


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  • 2 weeks later...

1-3 definitely.


Also, I'd add my own:


6. Remember the last filter and filter-based scroll position for each Library screen. It's driving me insane that every time I switch to the Queue screen to fine-tune the order of the most recently queued songs, when I get back to the Library screen I was using to pick things to queue up my filter will be gone and I will be scrolled at the top of whatever (Artists/All Songs/Folders) list I was looking at. It's really annoying having to type the same filter in again and again and again and to scroll around like crazy trying to remember where I was before, all just because I went away from the filtered view for a few seconds.

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