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FOLDER sorting by track name


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I would like if you can have the "Folders" folder to be able to sort by track name. I’ve tried all of the sorting options but it only reads the songs in alphabetical order by Artist name. Again this is in the “Folders” folder and not in “Library” folder. I don’t like using the “Library” folder because it reads program files & plays some of my games soundboards, & after a few stops playing because it “played to many incorrect files.” If you can make that happen, or maybe have us pick the folders to read from in “Library” folder so we don’t get files from games, ie. gameloft games.

Thank You,


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Your problem is presumably that your filenames are in the format "artist - title", so that's how the system sorts the list.

I have my files named using "title - artist" which always makes more sense to me as I already have a folder for each album anyway, so I don't need the artist name shown first. You could also use "trackno - title - artist" if you want albums to play in the original running order.

If you do want to change all your filenames globally, just use a program like TagScanner (free from http://www.xdlab.ru/) which does a great job of updating MP3 tags from filenames or vice versa (batch mode renaming from tag contents is great). You can even add album art, etc. Just watch out for any playlists you may have, as they will break if you change the filenames (but if you name the files using tracknumber first, you don't need album playlists anyway).


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