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Chinese Simplified translation


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Dear developer(s):

I want to buy a unlocker license of this APP

But the translation of Chinese language is so terrible

I can't understand many words what's the translator want to say

By the poor user experiences,I think I will not buy this APP


The price level of this APP for a Chinese people is so high

It's not suitable for Chinese people

Chinese users just will accept the price under 2 USD or free

For this two reasons

I think

Not many Chinese people use this APP

Or by our own translation

Or use cracked version

By the way

The order page for Chinese language in your website

Not"预言" but"语言"

It's a foolish mistake

This two words have different meaning


Best wishes

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Thanks, I will redirect you feedback to translators. As for website, the sales are done by 3rd party company (PayPro), but I guess they want to fix their translation as well. As always, it's possible to force Poweramp to english locale via Poweramp Look and Feel settings.

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Thanks, I will redirect you feedback to translators. As for website, the sales are done by 3rd party company (PayPro), but I guess they want to fix their translation as well. As always, it's possible to force Poweramp to english locale via Poweramp Look and Feel settings.

I can provide a cracked version to you.

This cracked version of the Chinese translation is very good.

Chinese users accustomed to using the LRC lyrics.

You can not use local lyrics, only through plug-ins, which is not suitable for Chinese users use habits.

And the price for Chinese users, too expensive.

There is a developer called lonelycatgames.

They have a good APP called X-plore.

They gave a special price for Chinese users to adapt to the special situation in China.

You can also consider for it.


The price means 3 days cost of living for Chinese student.

Many Chinese only accept free APP.

Even 4.99USD is not expensive for people in Western countries.

But it's so high for Chinese people.

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Thanks, I will redirect you feedback to translators. As for website, the sales are done by 3rd party company (PayPro), but I guess they want to fix their translation as well. As always, it's possible to force Poweramp to english locale via Poweramp Look and Feel settings.

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All come from China,Hong Kong,TaiWan.Because the translation of Chinese language is so terrible!

One rotten apple could ruin a whole barrel of apples.

C'mon dude, don't overeact! At least you needa show some respect to the translator's effort. If you ain't satisfied with the work, show us a better version.


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C'mon dude, don't overeact! At least you needa show some respect to the translator's effort. If you ain't satisfied with the work, show us a better version.


Why must I respect the translator who has made a so bad version?If you understand Chinese,you will be know why so many Chinese user post topics these days.I think this version was translated by a translation machine.

I respect translation contributor,but he is a translation destroyer.

I have not got the translate files,but I am translating in my way now!

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Something wrong

隐藏态栏 >> 隐藏态栏

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Look and Feel(外观)-Status Bar(状态栏)

Poweramp 将会尝试在您的SD card/主要存储器上查找音乐文件夹. >> Poweramp 将会尝试在您的 SD卡/主要存储器 上查找音乐文件夹.

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Auto-Find Music Folders(自动查找音乐文件夹)

它也会查找非音乐文件夹,包插 铃声/游戏音频文件夹,但 您可以在 Poweramp 设置中定义音乐文件夹. >> 它也会查找非音乐文件夹,包括 铃声/游戏音频 文件夹,但您可以在 Poweramp 设置中定义音乐文件夹.

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Auto-Find Music Folders(自动查找音乐文件夹)

开始播放列队 >> 开始播放队列

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Advanced(高级) -> Queue(队列)

返回列队 >> 返回队列

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Advanced(高级) -> Queue(队列)

隐藏态栏 >> 隐藏态栏

bug in:Setting(设置) -> Lock Screen(锁定界面)

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我的翻译是在上一版上修改的,还是得感谢Miao Zhang完成大部分翻译工作 :P


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Why must I respect the translator who has made a so bad version?If you understand Chinese,you will be know why so many Chinese user post topics these days.I think this version was translated by a translation machine.

I respect translation contributor,but he is a translation destroyer.

I have not got the translate files,but I am translating in my way now!

I'm a Chinese. I understand the feeling when seeing a nice app destroyed by poor translation. I just felt your way of blaming the translator was unreasonable. Anyway, someone stepped out and took over the job. A much improved version is on its way.

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狗屁啊,你们3个人还翻译成这个鸟东西,“库” >>“媒体库” “放大器” >>“增益” ,”睡眠计时器“ >>”睡眠模式“ ,憋了那么久还搞成这样,一看就是机器翻译的,后面加人工修改,我自己搞的时候不才是一个人,真是没眼看了!


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狗屁啊,你们3个人还翻译成这个鸟东西,“库” >>“媒体库” “放大器” >>“增益” ,”睡眠计时器“ >>”睡眠模式“ ,憋了那么久还搞成这样,一看就是机器翻译的,后面加人工修改,我自己搞的时候不才是一个人,真是没眼看了!




库→媒体库我没啥意见,但作者缩写为Lib,你不觉得可能会有 文件夹/媒体库 超长的问题么?

放大器(Preamp)→增益(Gain)?那播放增益(replay gain)你说要用什么?

http://en.wikipedia....ki/Preamplifier ,耳放啊,耳放啊大哥... :wacko:

睡眠定时器 不好么?"计时器"在486版本是我手误,487版本你看得到?

Sleep Timer不叫睡眠定时器叫睡眠模式?一点进去就睡眠?

还有什么问题你尽管提,不满意你顶上,我没意见,别事后出来说这说那 <_<


可能是更早发语言更新给Max的, 但后来用了我的

我老早就和作者说我能提供翻译了,那时候他答应的话, 不也是一个人做, 别拿人数来比, 我是14号后才拿到资源文件, 你都汉化多少个版本了?

你有好的翻译不发给作者,这样正版D版都有中文, 你只发论坛D版汉化, 为了论坛人气么? <_<

哥做这翻译更新不图什么,但你要把我也骂进去, 我不爽, 很不爽 -_-

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狗屁啊,你们3个人还翻译成这个鸟东西,“库” >>“媒体库” “放大器” >>“增益” ,”睡眠计时器“ >>”睡眠模式“ ,憋了那么久还搞成这样,一看就是机器翻译的,后面加人工修改,我自己搞的时候不才是一个人,真是没眼看了!



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连个略懂中文字的外国人用我的手机开启简体版播放器, 还问我为何可以点菜(菜单)阿?

又不是台湾人注重字词修正, 所以随便啦....看的懂就好了.

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"扫描"和"搜索"当时没注意,还是用原来的翻译好像 ;)

我翻译不用软件翻译的哇,纯人工识别,难免有记错的单词 ^_^

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