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Unfortunately, Poweramp does not have an option to play one single track only.

The possible Repeat modes are:

  • Off (plays the entire current 'list' and then stops playback - a 'list' in this case meaning the current album, folder, artist, Playlist - or whatever other mode you happen to be listening in)
  • Repeat List (starts the current 'list' again after all of its songs are finished)
  • Repeat Song (starts the current song again after it is finished)
  • Advance List (at the end of the current 'list', the next 'list' will be selected and played, and so on)

There is a sort of workaround that I came up with a while ago for someone running a dance or fitness class who wanted to build in a break between each song. If you create a long silent MP3 file, you could place that within a playlist wherever you want it to temporarily "stop" - even between every song if you wish. Then to start the next real song playing you would just press the 'Next Track' button during that silent period. Poweramp would not really be stopped of course, merely playing a very long silence prior to the next song, so not suitable if you really want it to stop forever rather than just pause for a while.

Another thought would be to use the Sleep timer set to a short timeout, but with the "Play current track to end" option selected. However the shortest period you can set that to is 5 minutes, which is probably a bit too long for most single songs.


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The long silent track option should work fine for you then. Remember to disable the "Don't add duplicates" option in Settings > Folders and Library > Lists, as you will want to insert the silent track multiple times between each item in your list. Let me know if you have trouble creating a silent track and I can upload one for you.


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Here's a one-hour silent file. I'm sure I could have compressed 'pure silence' a lot better than this, but you only need to save it once on your device so it's not a major issue.

Put in into a location that Poweramp scans for music, and then once you can see it simply long-press on the title in the PA songs list and choose 'Add to Playlist' and the list you want to insert it into. If you are adding it to an existing playlist, rather than inserting it after the current last track as you create a list, you may need to use the thumb sliders on the right of the playlist view to move your instances of the silent file up and down to where you need them. 



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Oh, and as I mentioned before, make sure you have select the Settings option to give permission to add duplicates song to Playlists, as you will probably need to reference this file multiple times. It's a bit of a kludge I know, but in this case it should do exactly what you want.


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On the right-hand side of each song you will see either a three-dots icon (if you are in menus mode) or a symbol showing up and down arrows (if you are in re-ordering mode). To toggle between these two modes, tap the similar up/down/slider icon at the very top right of the list. Once you see the slider thumbs, just press and hold any one to move that song up or down the list.


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