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Daydream ScreenSaver plugin


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Looks like lots of work has been put into Visualizations. But little thought into practicality. 

The only way visualizations would be of any use is if they are a daydream, OR an option to keep screen on While charging/Docked. Throw in a slider to automatically dim the screen.

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Lol,  how is that a "practical" solution? 

I'm supposed to alter my 'System' settings, just so once and awhile I can go to sleep watching some squiggly lines dancing to my music? LMAO. and what about the times I'm not listening to music? I'm supposed to go back into system settings and turn that off? too much work. lol

 No, "keep screen on", needs to be an option in the "Sleep Timer" settings,  along with dimmer settings. 


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28 minutes ago, Kewlzter said:

I'm supposed to alter my 'System' settings, just so once and awhile I can go to sleep watching some squiggly lines dancing to my music?


Well I wouldn't personally (but then I don't use visualisation anyway, my screen is off 95% of my listening time) but it was just a suggestion if it was important to you in the meantime.


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