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Poor quality music playing


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have carried out a factory reset of my device. I have also changed my Micro sd card .I uploaded my music to pc then downloaded onto new sd card.There is still a problem with distorted music.i have looked on eBay help regarding playing music files on mp3 players .They have described this problem exactly. They gave information there was  problem with files. A compression setting   being below 128 kb.They advised recompressing files again and changing playback settings to above 128 kb on compression.

Any help with would be great.

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Compression artefacts won't change with an Android update, it's more likely to be something in the audio path. 128K is a bit on the low side for MP3s in this day and age where storage space is less of an issue, but not that should suddenly make your music distorted. Don't ever recompress the same files though (no good can ever come from that) but you might want to try re-ripping them from the original sources at a higher bitrates.

You could also try turning DVC mode off, but this does seem to be more of an Android firmware issue than a PA problem.


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