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No more activation left problem

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Hello. I have a huge problem. I sended 4 e-mails to suport and no one is responding on my problem... I installed Poweramp from Poweramp's website and when I try to activate using website I have an info that NO MORE ACTIVATIONS LEFT. Please help me with this.

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  • 6 months later...
29 minutes ago, tomekm91 said:

Same problem here... send 3 emails to support 3 weeks ago, Zero / 0 / zirooo / NULL / NO reply... its a joke ??? i just want to listen music guys. Please help me. 

Please email again (make sure you are using the address quoted earlier and check your spam box too). I don't know why it would take so long to simply reset your activation limit, but I'm afraid I can't do it for you myself as I don't have access to the necessary systems. I assume you regularly install new ROMs (or reinstall the app) as otherwise the limit should is pretty generous and should never be reached under normal usage conditions.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume you've checked your spam folders, and you're definitely sending to Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com? There's not much more I can do I'm afraid, I only moderate the forums, I don't have access to the licence systems. I wish I could help, sorry.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

Need some help here, I tried to restore the purchase of Poweramp and it says like this - AMP 500 NO_MORE_ACTIVATIONS_LEFT ... What does it mean? I also mailed to the support and they are replying me with restoring steps which i have tried for 1001 times... Please help me fix this ... Waiting!!!

(Purchased from Wesite).


Find the attachment for the error that it shows.


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It means you have uninstall/reinstalled it too many times for what is considered to be 'normal' user activity (perhaps you update ROMs very frequently, or you have it installed on lots of different devices?). Support should be able to reset the count back to zero for you if you explain the problem as you have above though (email Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com). 


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  • 2 years later...

Hello dear supporter,

I bought the non google play distribution license of the app over a year ago, when I had a Samsung device. Since I frequently switch between custom ROMs, the activation limit is reached for my account. I tried mailing the support team via the app itself (Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com), but haven't got any answer yet. Is there anyway to reset the counter and to solve my problem?

account on which I bought the license for: s*****3@gmail.com

Thank you in advance.

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5 hours ago, Saeed_Gh said:

Is there anyway to reset the counter and to solve my problem?

The only way for this to be reset is to email support as you have done. Please could you try again in case it didn't get through? Thanks.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

@徐骏杰 Email to Support is the only way to request additional activations if you have exceeded the normally fairly generous fair-use limit, individual personal account questions cannot be answered here in the forums. You could drop them another message in case your original one got lost. Also check your spam folder for replies.


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