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Android updated wiped my playlists

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Poweramp Version:
2.0.10-build-588-play (Full Version)

Sony Xperia Z3
Android version: Upgrading to Android 6.0.1 (dont know exact previous version)
All my music is located on an SC card

Upon using Poweramp for the first time after the Android update (a day or so later maybe) I discovered that:

  1. My scan or "watch" directories had been reset
  2. My playlists now show "0 songs" (and are 0 bytes in size).

I foun this topic and while not all the variables are the same, it leads me to believe a similar thing has happened to me, as the playlist itself would be on internal storage, whereas my music would be on my SD card, which would suggest if the watch folders reset for whatever reason, the songs "wouldn't be there" so to speak, and so delete them from the list.

I realise all hope is lost for my playlists, I'm just making you aware of the issue so you can prevent it from happening again (if indeed it is the app that decides to remove the item from the playlist).Capt. Hindsight has already given me a talking to about backing up ;)



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Unfortunately, you are correct. During that upgrade, Google decided it would re-arrange the directory structure of your phone, so anything which was using files in their original locations from before the upgrade will no longer be able to see anything in the same place. It's the equivalent of a Windows update deciding that D:\ will no longer work and the second hard drive will henceforth be called MicrosoftRandomPlace:\ - and then hoping that programs work out the change for themselves.

As you have said, hindsight is a wonderful thing when it comes to making backups, as a file-based backup would have been very easy to text-edit to reflect the new directory structure.

This is also being discussed in the following thread incidentally: 


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  • 1 month later...

This seems like something that should be fixable within Poweramp.  I don't have a bunch of other apps that break with this kind of update.  Why is Poweramp combining the system portion of the path with the user-controllable portion of the path for determining the location of files?  Poweramp should be splitting the path into the two components and attempting to do the right thing if the system device part of the path changed.  

This problem just hit me yesterday and wiped all of my playlists and also seems to have lost my saved EQ settings for each song.  VERY ANNOYING!!!!!!  It takes weeks of fiddling as I run across songs to get the EQ settings correct, not to mention the time spent constructing playlists.  :angry:

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I did ask Max if he could take a look at this, but he hasn't been able to find the problem on any of his test devices (and he has dozens, maybe hundreds, set up). He said " strange that I yet to see this in my 6.0 devices, quite a lot updated for last few month to 6.0 and variants."

Could the people affected by this issue please provide some more details of what happens when this occurs? Device name, the original and new Android versions, and what the full path to the SD Card looked like originally and what it looks like now? See if there's a common pattern.


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