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Choose the album art defining the album cover for the whole album


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Hello everyone,

I'm posting here because I have a little problem pretty annoying. I'll explain you : at first I found out that the cover of the last song (in alphabetical order) in an album will define the cover of the album in album view. The other songs can be something else than the album cover (single cover, artwork, etc...), the cover of the last song will define it. What I am doing is I rename on my computer the song from which I want the cover defining the album art as "artist1 _ title". This way it puts the song all at the end behind the "artist1 - title" songs, and this song defines the album art in Poweramp, album view. But I would like to get rid of these "_" to only keep "-"...

If you didn't understand anything I said until now that's normal because I'm french haha, but to summarize, is it possible to choose the song which gives its cover to the whole album in the "album view" mode in Poweramp ? Instead of the last song of the album giving its cover to the album.

Don't hesitate to ask more details and if no one understands my point I'll make some screenshots. Thanks !


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No, it's not possible to define how the album art is generated from specific track art.

You could use folder images though, by using the "Prefer In-Folder Images" option in Settings > Album Art, and adding a Cover.jpg, AlbumArt.jpg, etc image into each folder that is showing incorrectly for you,  But that will only work if you have your albums organised tidily in a folder/subfolder layout.


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Thank you for your answer Andre ! I don't have my songs organized in folders and subfolders, everything is in a "Music" folder... So I'll keep the "_" thing, no big deal it was just to know if there was another way ! Have a good day ;)

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