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Just play the next song over the first with a trigger such as fading below certain db, while at end of track, etc.

Usualy songs have fadeouts on their own and the transition will be smooth. An AGC can take place and control the volume during the overlap.

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  • 8 months later...

This feature has been requested for at least 4 years, and has not yet materialized. I would think the coding work to be relatively trivial. Rockbox supported it a decade ago, FB2K has supported it through plugins for many years, and the concept is very simple: Make it possible for track A to fade out a certain period of time before the track reaches a low dB threshold at the end of a track, and start the subsequent track B at max volume before track A reaches zero volume, rather than fading it in.

The best case for adding this functionality is to listen to almost any 2 shuffled tracks being played with conventional crossfading, and note how terrible it sounds.

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