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A sincere concern


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Hello, Poweramp community.
I'm new here, so maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Thing is:
I've been looking the forums since I bought my Poweramp license not long ago (question of months). I've felt in love with the app ever since trial, this is why I bought it in the first place.
But what I've found out? The lack of communication between the crew behind the app and the community expectations. 
I didn't knew about the existence of a "Poweramp 3" until I got here, but it does seem like it won't get out of the paper and it's a long long promise from the staff.
I don't see any questions about concerns that showed up (and have been promised to be fixed) four years ago being answered nor solved, and come on, four years is a hell of a lifetime when we are talking about development and technollogy. 
So, what I want to humbly ask is, as a new member in this community: Why does it feel like the staff doesn't care about the community concern and, why is the staff silent about the community insatisfaction?
Of course, if I am right about what I'm saying, I wont have my concerns properly answered, but if I am not, and  I do hope that I'm not, I will get my concerns erased and will stay at ease (after a good scold).




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