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Display album art file in the same folder for cue+flac, ape, etc.


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When I placed a album art image, cover.jpg for example, in a folder with multiple mp3 or other audio files, I can see the image in Library>Albums list.


But if only cue + single audio file, like wav, flac, ape, etc. in that folder, the image is not showed up.


Can you have that image displayed?

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  • 1 year later...

I see the same thing, on searching found this unanswered thread.

Android, version 2.0.10-build-588-play, full version unlocker version 2-build-26.

I have a folder "year-name" containing two files "name,mp3" which contains embedded album artwork, and name.cue"

In 'Folders' view, the artwork is missing (just showing a grey folder icon with the title "name.cue"), but in 'Library view and when playing the artwork is shown.

But if In Settings, you check -- Album Art -- Download Album Art   folders view then shows the downloaded art for the .cue albums.

Also, if EITHER:

in Settings -- folders/Library -- Lists -- Show CUE disc image files is checked, Then in Folders view, (in addition to the grey folder titled "name.cue" ) a new folder appears with correct artwork and showing title "year-name mp3". On selecting that folder, only one file name.mp3 is available to play!


If a second (unrelated) "xyz.mp3" is copied to the same folder, then, in Folders view, a new folder appears with correct artwork and showing title "year-name mp3". On selecting that folder, only one file  xyz.mp3 is available to play!

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