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Poweramp Audio Focus Ignore Not Working With Headphones

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Hi All,


So after being plagued with the ridiculously annoying "pause my music everytime I get a notification" issue, I finally caved and bought the full version of Poweramp after a friend of mine told me it had a option to enable/disable this feature!


I am running the paid version of Poweramp 2.0.9-build-564-play on a AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3 running Android 4.1.1. I have been rooted since then and have not touched the original ROM just removed all the bloatware and installed some root only apps.


Anyways, I'm having a strange issue, I currently have both the short and permanent audio focus options unchecked. When using a Bluetooth headset, car connection, portable speaker etc notifications do NOT interrupt the music they simply play in the backround, perfect! Now...when I have headphones plugged in or the phone is plugged into an auxiliary input like my car's headunit the music pauses/ducks/whatever you want to call it when I get an email or notification. Cycling through the mute, vibrate only and ringer on options also pauses the music as soon as I hit the "ringer on" option and the phone makes a beep which I assume lets you know the ringer is on. 


Please help! 




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