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Public Folder on WD My Cloud Network Drive Not Showing Up in Settings|Folders and Library|Music Folders List

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I store all my music files on a Western Digital Network Drive (WD My Cloud) in a Public folder (available to anyone I've given access to the WD My Cloud drive).  Under the Public folder, I have several sub-folders:  Shared Videos, Shared Music, Shared Docs, Shared Pictures, etc.  Under the Shared Music folder, there are several sub-bolders:  Sound Files, Ringtones, MyMusic, etc.  All my music is under the MyMusic folder, further sub-foldered by Artist Name.  So, the path to my music files is:


\\WDMYCLOUD\Public\Shared Music\MyMusic


When I attempt to add the "MyMusic" folder to the Folder Selection list in Poweramp Settings, the parent "Shared Music" folder doesn't even show up in the folder hierarchy list ... although "Shared Videos" is listed ... and I can't figure out why.  More curiously, the "Shared Videos" is the only sub-folder shown under the "Public" parent folder ... although all folders (Music, Docs, Pictures, etc.) are actually there when checked directly using Windows Explorer or through the WD My Cloud app.


Anyone have an answer to this oddity?


Thanks in advance!


FYI - the Poweramp app is on a Samsung Galaxy S3

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