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Not resuming playback when earbuds plugged in

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I just wanted to start by saying that I'm not 100% sure if this is Poweramp's problem and I'll explain in a bit.


In probably the last month or so I've noticed that plugging in my earbuds has no longer been resuming music from Poweramp even though this has been working since I've had it which is a long long time :). I thought maybe the Poweramp service was being closed due to not enough phone memory but I would check and not only was the service running but I also had enough memory.


The interesting thing is that I'm having a similar problem with the BBM app. They have a service that runs which checks for incoming messages and in the recent past it too also stopped working. Both Poweramp and BBM will work if I have opened the app in the past 5 minutes or so. As an example, if I open Poweramp and use it a bit, close it, and within the next minute I plug in my earbuds it will resume playback. If I take out my earbuds and wait a long period of time and plug back in then no such luck. The same behaviour is happening with BBM.


I don't know if it's a coincidence between both apps or not. Any suggestions or things to try in order to get to the deeper root cause? I have a Nexus 4 and I'm on version 4.4.2 and I should have the latest version of Poweramp installed.




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The settings are selected for auto-resume still? Are you on a custom ROM or no?

Yes it is. And no I'm on a stock unrooted Google Nexus 4.


It appears after restarting my device that BBM is back to normal (or at least for now) but Poweramp still has the same issue.

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