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Chinese Simplified translation


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1. Wrong.

2. Wrong.

3. Correct.

Check them again. Your dictionary isn't very good.

I did say technical terms. See what I mean when I say you don't pay enough attention to the environmental requirements?!

You have forgotten that I have a Taiwanese wife who is also a 2nd generation lecturer. Perhaps, you misconstrue my many posts attention to you. Or perhaps you are just too proud to admit your own failings.

I told you before my sights aren't that good, on top of that I'm actually using a US keyboard to type in pinyin and converting that to traditional Chinese words. How many times have you typed a correct word only to have the keyboard changed it to something else without notifying you? Surely, if you typed in English, it will be more than the keyboard or word processors fault, no?

No matter how you put it, Taiwanese is still not recognized as a sovereignty. I recognized you as an able people ready to become a nation, but you have no voluntary support for it to pass through. However, I also came to recognized that you people have a stupid nationalistic pride about it when you are not even one. This I recognized even in my wife and all her niece and nephews who are here studying. I have always respect the Taiwanese Mandarin much more refined and modern than that of China's. And I recognized Taiwanese ingenuity in the tech sector, something I laughed at when Singapore was trying to compete with Taiwan. How's that for the Singaporean pride?!

The way you described Singaporeans from only interacting with me, you are indeed proving yourself to be a very narrow-minded person. At least I draw my experiences from interacting with more than a few hundred Taiwanese, from business to the public to relatives, to sum up my comments. You really need to step out of your small world.

By the way, I am not equal to most Singaporeans when it comes to linguistic abilities, and that has been proven time and again by friends and opponents alike.

If you think that Singaporean's Mandarin is that bad, I think it is better if you experienced it yourself. Don't put yourself out until you can sized up your opponent. I recognized you as a person with a fairly good linguistic ability, but with more room for improvement. What you severely need are social skills and manners.

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你也不用打英文來考我, 你以為我不會使用谷哥翻譯?

關於翻譯的爭論也不用再斤斤計較, 因為根本沒有任何義意。

只要針對個人行為就可以了。你自己說別在這爭吵, 別給非華族的人看笑話, 結果跟我爭吵幾十篇帖子, 渾然不知已經犯下自己認為是錯誤的事情, 這是典型的自我優越感太重。

自我優越感通常都會出現在家庭優渥的環境, 自認老爸有錢老子就是了不起, 自己永遠是對的, 別人都是錯的, 只准官兵放屁, 不准百姓拉屎。會有這種錯誤觀念, 多半從小父母沒教好, 學校也沒在教, 導致嚴重性觀念扭曲, 永遠都不會自我檢討, 完全不會採納與自己相反的意見。

其二.,一發表就回覆:[你們這般半桶水的翻譯真還敢拿出來擺,拿出來賣! 但我也沒權說你門。畢竟,中文只是新加坡華人的第二語言。]很顯然的, 你不懂禮貌, 不知道請、謝謝、對不起怎麼寫, 更別說還會唸。別人半桶水關你屁事?他們跟你很熟?還是你自來熟(註1), 專門跟她們大姨媽(註2)裝熟的?

其三.,你以一個非母語為中文的新加坡人, 批評指責以中文為母語的中國與台灣的中文, 本身就屬於自大與自耀。你以不入流的中文能力, 自認為你可以比他們翻譯出來的中文更好。如此不知羞恥, 自大妄為, 以為全世界只有新加坡有中文?我問你是如何有這種臉皮可以做出這等辱國喪懷的行為, 請你教教我, 你卻選擇性迴避, 又犯了一個人格缺陷, 就是逃避責任, 沒有責任感。

其四.,從頭到尾我只是跟大陸網友進行討論與交流, 你何德何能看到我自大的發言?你以自身錯誤指定於我, 指桑罵槐, 剛好跟最上面第一項一樣, 只准官兵放屁, 不准百姓拉屎。

對於你個人偏差行為, 給你一個理由讓你發揮與解釋, 給你個台階下, 如果你還是老樣子不知自我檢討, 那恭喜你, 你的人生註定要背負這些被人恥笑的行為。

註1:某人明明不認識對方, 剛見面就裝熟, 故意要跟對方搞的好像很熟的樣子。

註2:大姨媽是對於親戚的稱呼, 但是女子月經來潮, 也是稱呼大姨媽來了。

PS:如果你認為我蝦掰, 你可以問問你台灣的老婆, 大姨媽是啥東西。

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Unfortunately I am not in Singapore and have no access to my regular computer or Chinese Input Method.

I knew you were going to rely on Google Translate. It is totally imperfect and not very helpful beyond basic meaning. Or did you think I was trying to be a shallow? these are indeed common words, but they have specialized meaning as technological terms. If you find yourself having a hard time believing, Here are my simpler examples:

1. Exact the faulty command line out of the third party program.

2. Microsoft Word subsist of many smaller modules.

If you don't know, please stop being such a know-it-all. Mandarin IS the mother tongue of all Chinese in Singapore. If you can't figure out how to use the Wikipedia, please let someone else teach you. Your arrogance and ignorance is truly alarming.

There are slight and small linguistic variance between provincial Chinese usage, but they are generally similar. Singaporean Chinese has always followed the Taiwanese use since the early 80s, even though we are educated in Simplified form. So your claim to such deviance have proven yourself an unyielding bigot and extremely self-centered.

Sigh. Anyway, I have run out of time for this. You have entertained me enough over the last few days. You've proven yourself less than you claimed and I no longer see any motivation to argue with a closed minded person who has a one sided opinion.

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Typical single culture societal child, like you, will never be able to see and tolerate multiple race and culture trying to live and work harmoniously in one very small crammed nation. Your question, "你們新加坡人都把母語排在第二?好像有點不尊重自己的母語喔?" (Why do Singaporeans placed their racial native language in second place? Don't you respect your mother tongue?), shows just how shortsighted you really are, and how discriminating and bias your society is as a whole.

Just out of curiosity, if you feel so much more superior than me, why have I not see you typed a full sentence in English? Or do you consider Chinese a superior language?

Anyway, unless you have a sudden change in attitude, I don't see this conversation going anywhere soon. I will end with this post. I really do not have time to indulge your need to punch everyone in the face. So, unless you have to have the absolute last word........ Adios!

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Typical single culture societal child, like you, will never be able to see and tolerate multiple race and culture trying to live and work harmoniously in one very small crammed nation. Your question, "你們新加坡人都把母語排在第二?好像有點不尊重自己的母語喔?" (Why do Singaporeans placed their racial native language in second place? Don't you respect your mother tongue?), shows just how shortsighted you really are, and how discriminating and bias your society is as a whole.

Just out of curiosity, if you feel so much more superior than me, why have I not see you typed a full sentence in English? Or do you consider Chinese a superior language?

Anyway, unless you have a sudden change in attitude, I don't see this conversation going anywhere soon. I will end with this post. I really do not have time to indulge your need to punch everyone in the face. So, unless you have to have the absolute last word........ Adios!

我跟你辯這麼多, 無論任何種族, 母語, 都沒有任何歧視, 而是你所作所為造成自我歧視而已。我所說的大都是從你留言中複製出來的, 無法否認的, 你不肯承認你人格上有所缺陷, 你到了這個年紀還要我教你做人的道理嗎?你去找我這裡的每一篇回覆, 除了跟你對話以外, 看看我其它留言有哪邊自大與歧視, 如果有, 我願意向您道歉。

綜合你所有發言, 我分析了你人格缺陷的三點:

1.生活富裕, 以自我為中心, 從小就滿足了任何物慾, 造成放縱自我錯誤, 無法容忍其他人做出與自己相同的錯誤。

2.無論自己的程度是好是壞, 反正就是能比其他人更強, 無論是任何工作, 包含翻譯程式語言都可以比任何人更好, 典型不會謙虛的自大狂。

3.沒有任何責任感, 一但被指出, 選擇性逃避, 沒有面對的勇氣。

我只能告訴你事實, 至今我翻譯這麼多apk程式, 翻譯出來的都是人氣相當高的, 我都不敢在這嗆聲說我能比大陸作者翻譯的更好, 因為我認為我學習的還不夠, 不敢如此自大丟臉, 相反的, 你一出現就是狂妄發言, 你是翻譯多少個軟體阿?是有翻譯apk的經驗啊?

以上三點你摸著自己的良心, 下一篇回覆請針對你自己所作所為作解釋, 不要回覆一些沒相干的, 不然我也懶的去理你。最重要的, 你都幾歲了還要我教你如何處世待人嗎?你要面子就是要有勇氣面對, 如果還是一樣逃避話題, 那我也幫不了你。

你可以去問問其它大陸網友, 我的發言哪裡自大?你自己去私下問問看, 不要說我在這亂講。

你看過赤壁這部電影沒?諸葛亮如此的高人, 無論遇到誰, 他總是說:[略懂, 略懂], 你該向他學習了。最重要的是[謙虛]你懂不懂阿?

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内文:对于传统中文迟迟未加入的情况, 只好在台湾发布以root权限安装的传统中文版, 直到愿意使用本人的xml为止.

如果愿意使用本人所提供的传统中文xml, 请发送信息.


标题:Do NOT ignore Taiwanese users' request for Chinese Traditional


Due to the absence of Chinese Traditional, I have to release the Chinese Traditional version which requires for root permission, in Taiwan, until you decide to use my xml file.

If you would accept the xml of Chinese Traditional translated by me, send a message, please.

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是啊! 我著新加坡人專門對一些自以爲是卻能力有限的人感到非常的優越。 至少我們是一個被認可的國家吧。

請注意:裝置必須取得 ROOT 權限才能安裝”.... 這是你寫的嗎?這句話又多麽的不順啊! 因該是“請注意:須有 ROOT 權限才安裝裝置“吧?!嗨.....


1. ”開啓説明頁面“ 可去掉 “頁面”兩個字, 比較簡練、專業。

2. "等化器“是臺灣人用的詞,”平衡器“是大陸人用的。我覺得雖然”平衡器“比較接近原本的功能,但你的“等化器”聼起來比較專業。

3. "感謝你安裝PowerAMP升級(2.0.4-build-465完全版)“。 建議換成“感謝你安裝/升級 Poweramp (2.0.4-build-465完成版)”。“完全版”指它有其他的版本。

4. “清單”應該換成列表比較恰當。 “清單”是早期臺灣人直接翻譯的錯誤、但你們已經習慣用這詞了。

5. "歌唱者“這詞之前已吵過了。 你也應該明白了。

6. "長按“怪怪的。沒別的選擇嗎?”按稍久“不能這樣寫嗎?

7. "資料夾“應該換”音樂夾“。

8. ”造訪 Poweramp 網站“, 不是 ”造訪 Poweramp 官方網站“比較好?

9. "更新記錄“英文可是”Updated records", 因該改成“更改錄“。

我是大陆人,我不知道这些在正体中文里是否正确,但你的翻译中前面的红子部分 和 2-4 6 7 9条明显是错误的 5 8你认为比Sainai好 1Sainai更好。而且既然翻译的是正体中文,我觉得台湾人翻译更好。我完完全全不知道你那句『至少我們是一個被認可的國家吧』有任何意义么?还有如果我的常识没有错的话新加坡是采用新马简体的吧,我觉得你在文化、文字、语言都不同的情况下指责台湾人的正体中文翻译有所不妥。有异议可以提,但你上来就指责、挖苦和我们哪位来着大陆的天涯来客bin有什么区别?如果我上面的话在你看来狗屁不通那就当没看见吧,毕竟来自大陆的,估计你更看不起了。

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是啊! 我著新加坡人專門對一些自以爲是卻能力有限的人感到非常的優越。 至少我們是一個被認可的國家吧。

請注意:裝置必須取得 ROOT 權限才能安裝”.... 這是你寫的嗎?這句話又多麽的不順啊! 因該是“請注意:須有 ROOT 權限才安裝裝置“吧?!嗨.....


1. ”開啓説明頁面“ 可去掉 “頁面”兩個字, 比較簡練、專業。

2. "等化器“是臺灣人用的詞,”平衡器“是大陸人用的。我覺得雖然”平衡器“比較接近原本的功能,但你的“等化器”聼起來比較專業。

3. "感謝你安裝PowerAMP升級(2.0.4-build-465完全版)“。 建議換成“感謝你安裝/升級 Poweramp (2.0.4-build-465完成版)”。“完全版”指它有其他的版本。

4. “清單”應該換成列表比較恰當。 “清單”是早期臺灣人直接翻譯的錯誤、但你們已經習慣用這詞了。

5. "歌唱者“這詞之前已吵過了。 你也應該明白了。

6. "長按“怪怪的。沒別的選擇嗎?”按稍久“不能這樣寫嗎?

7. "資料夾“應該換”音樂夾“。

8. ”造訪 Poweramp 網站“, 不是 ”造訪 Poweramp 官方網站“比較好?

9. "更新記錄“英文可是”Updated records", 因該改成“更改錄“。

請注意:須有 ROOT 權限才安裝裝置



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