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Hi there,

  • Poweramp Version: alpha-build-703-uni (full version)
  • Device: Lenovo TAB 2 A7-20F
  • Android 4.4.2


  1. When I 'refresh' my library Poweramp doesn't stop scanning. I have left it on for days and it won't stop and drains my battery really quickly if not plugged in.
  2. The other problem is that not all albums are visible in the album list. Only 79 albums are selectable. When I look at the "folder list" there are 281 folders of music. The information displayed on each folder states the number of songs in each folder however when I open those folders (that are not displayed in the albums list) it states there are no files. These files are able to be played on other media players.

These issues were present with the previous version of Poweramp so I upgraded to see if it would eliminate both problem but they both still persist. All of my music is stored on a micro-SD card, not the internal memory of the device.


Cheers, TIm

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I used TagScanner 6.0.19 to modify the metadata of some of my albums and reloaded them onto the SD card. PA performed a rescan within three minutes and I have many/all (?) of those albums available now. The problem I was experiencing may have been caused by one of those albums causing PA scan to get stuck in a loop? Anyway a combination of upgrading PA and modifying the metadata has fixed the problem!

Very happy customer now!

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Sounds like you cracked the problem on your own. If the scanner won't stop, the first thing is to find out if any particular files or folders were causing the problem. Another tip would be to copy everything off the card, reformat it (on a PC, while your mobile device is turned off) and then copy everything back onto the clean card.


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